Wow ... sometimes my photography gets ahold of me and I'm not on here as much as I'd like!!

So - yesterday was my birthday - the big 36! Age is just a number ... and although its a few years away - all I can think about is the big 40. Maybe its bc one of my bffs is turning 40 this August -...
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your still a hot mama lisa and ur the best cant tell that engoughlovekisslove
Well - I've finally made a decision. I debated back and forth between the choice's - but after much discussion with my ever-so-supportive better half - I have come to the conclusion that from now on - I will only photograph Glamour / Boudoir and Portrait.

With photography - everyone has that "thing" they love to photograph. Some people enjoy weddings, some like children and babies, some like commercial ... there are so many opportunities.

I started into photography because I liked the boudoir, the glamour. I like being able to show women just how truly beautiful they are. So - I'm gonna stick with that!

I will still portraits - and high school grads, Maternity and newborn. Individual portraits to show beauty.

But I am no longer doing family or children, or groups.

Especially with the emails I have been receiving lately about women interested in becoming an SG girl!!!

I'll be doing a shoot with a hopeful this Saturday, am planning another with a different lovely mama - and setting up a second shoot with a current hopeful "Lucious" ... I'm really surprised at the interest here on the East coast!! I hope the interest grows!!

Ahhhh .... What a week! ... Team pictures every night last week (about 80 athlete's) ... Wedding on Saturday, Boudoir all Sunday, and today ... a photo shoot with a local salon for a magazine. Guess I'll be behind this computer for the next few weeks editing!

I'm not complaining - work = money! Money pays the bills and it's great I love what I...
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So excited! Just recieved a call from a now - " Offical" HOPEFUL - her set (my pictures) were accepted ... can't wait until May 20th when they will be up on the site! Congrats Shyanne !smile
Thanks!! Can't wait until they are posted !!
so excited and thanks lisa for evrything your the bestlovekiss
Sunday night ... home editing pictures and trying to catch up on some images for clients ... and all I can think about is SG and what I want to do for my next session!! ...

I did my second SG hopeful session this past Wednesday - I will deliver her CD tommorrow ... can't wait to see what everyone thinks - I know she...
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Another week gone by - where did it go???

I've done photo shoots for local magazines, completed a "little black book" for one very lucky guy - and completed aa presentation I'm giving tonight for my camera club - "Derelict". Here's hoping the slide show works! (Thanks Babe) ...

Planning on shooting a SG girl hopeful shoot next week ... getting excited!! ... Can't wait...
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sometimes i got the same feeling that the time past sooo fast by! i cant wait to see those pictures!
The more I photograph different 'categories' ... the more I realize that photographing children just isn't my thing!

I turned a HUGE hobby into full time employment because of boudoir photography - a need for it, and a desire to help make women feel beautiful! But alas - it doesn't always pay the bills! So I ventured into other types - weddings, commerical, children and...
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Wow!! That has to very tough to do. Parents can very touchy, when I work at Home Depot we used to tell parents for the kids to stop playing on the ladders and other equipment and would get mad.
Exactly! My studio is in my home ... so it's hard. Things have been damaged and it's so hard ... to just bite your tongue at times, and remain polite.
Quote for the day :

"The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life." -(Richard Bach)

I couldn't agree with this more! I have the best family anyone could ask for - under the roof I live. Outside that it seems that enemies are kinder than those who share blood lines. What's been...
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So ... FB has deamed one of my photographs as "violateing term of use" - I thought I had more revealing images than this, but oh well!! It is one of my favorite pictures and I just have to post it! I LOVE it.

I did remove tattoos and jewelery so she can't be identified at her request (although the tattoos were hot)!

Facebook is ridiculous...i hope all your aspirations come true- and i'm sure they will wink i am just waiting to get my first hopeful set in...wish you were closer- love what i've seen so far! even if it is just the profile shots and a tush! wink
Thanks - I am in the process of editing a hopeful SG set myself. I wished you live closer as well - I would love to photograph a set for you!