So all this snow had me thinking... if I was a Suicide Girl, I would so shoot a set with a "coming in from the snow" theme. You know--a few shots making a snow angel, throwing a snow ball, and then come in and slowly strip off the wet layers and get naked in front of a fire (or a video of a fireplace, if...
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OMG.... SG or not... I want YOU to do that set - not anyone else! That is a RAD idea! I can totally picture it - beautiful setting, great flow... you need to DO IT, Peyton! smile

I wish SO MUCH that SoBeIt and I knew you when you lived in CA! Where did you live? Were you in So. Calif? Did work take you back East - or did you just want a change?
If you ever come out West for fun, we need to totally all get inked together and go to Biskup's new gallery in that cool old auto dealership building!! It would be so much fun! biggrin

Hope your Monday is wonderful (like YOU!)
Winx from Jinxi wink
There are SO MANY things that I just love about you! Every time we talk... I think... WOW - could she be ANY cooler? And then, boom, next time I learn something else about you - I love you even more!!! love
How I wish everyone looking at our house was as RAD (my favorite word associated with Peyton) as you are!!! I am the same way - the paint and funky art would clinch it for me too! But alas, there are way too many uptight people in the world! But SoBeIt and I would sure love to have you over to our funky house - especially since you would appreciate it and like it with us! wink

And thanks for liking my conversation sweetheart socks (I couldn't remember that they were called "coversation" hearts - see how rad you are!). I love the sweet colors - and they make me want candy.

And I LOOOOOVE your list of thankful things. Marshmallow peeps - yum! And what is bubble tea? I wanna try it. I've never had it smile

I sure am thankful that I met you - that should be on my list too!
Winx from Jinxi wink
Oh, I guess it's a little too big. Crap.
Oh wow - that is SO COOL!! I just love the message and the design - it rocks!

I am going to check out their site right now. Thanks for the cool link!!
Winx from Jinxi wink
Today was "wear your pajamas to work" day at my office. You might think I was all over that, since I am all about comfort, but I wasn't. First of all, I don't actually own any pajamas, so this would have necessitated going out and buying some, which is not in my budget. Second of all, I do like the people I work with, but...
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Oh wow ....Tucker is just too adorable! I love him!!!!
You are such a sweetie - I'm just so happy to know you!

With the pix... just go down under all the Smile images to the "Insert" List and click the "IMage" link - then a box will pop up and you can put the picture name (http://picturestored/picturename.jpg - etc) in that spot. Then click "Ok" and it will insert it there for you. If it doesn't work - ask me and I'll try to show ya another way =)
Happy Thursday!
Winx from Jinxi wink
Hi sweetie.... if you go in your picture file.... just right click on the image you want to pop into your journal - like with Tucker's ... I just right clicked on him & got the properties and this came up:


and that's what I pasted into the image box. Then it will drop it in for ya. Does that make sense? I am probably explaining it way more complicated that needs be smile

Let me know if that worked wink
I'm actually feeling better lately--less stressed, more together, and suddenly able to breathe again. I think part of it might be the big dose of alone time this week. Although it has been good for me, I really don't want to have it too often--I think a couple of hours here and there should do the trick from now on. The sunlight (at least on...
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Thanks for the note about Leisha Hailey in Curve this month. My Curve just came in the mail over the weekend and needless to say, I was SUPER EXCITED that she was the cover girl! Yippppeee! Loooooove Leisha!!! I even have a Murmurs lyric tattooed on my wrist.

Hope you liked the first show of the L Word last night. It was a good start to the season, I thought smile

Happy Monday! Winx from Jinxi wink
Thanks for your cool answers on my little mini-quiz!!
You are just the most rad girlie! I just read your profile again and I must say... we have so many similar "favorites" smile
That is SO COOL that you are 1. getting a Biskup tattoo - that totally rocks (what will you get - how do you choose - his work is so amazing) 2. that you met Seonna!!! I just adore her! I talked to her a few times before I got my tattoos of her girlies and she was soooo sweet and supportive of her art being inked.
Was TigerLily with them at the show?

And.... I am SO WITH YOU on loving Alice even more already this season! I love her hair (the shorter the better on Leisha) and I too cannot wait until Tonya is gone-o. Dana and Alice would be so cute together!
I also agree about the opening credits. I was a bit surprised when it started -it's soooo different. Do you know who did the music for it? Can't wait til next week!!

Hope your Tuesday was fabulous! It's so fun to meet a Seonna/Tim fan (and you have tons of other artist favs that I love too - my husband has his whole right arm tattooed with all Shag images) --- ooooo and I love Liz McGrath too - she is so hot!!

Winx from Jinxi wink
My patience these days is wearing thin, at least at work. I am so tired of having to explain the same things over and over again to the same people. At what point do I get to say what I am dying to say? "Fuck you. I'm done answering that question. I'm done enabling you to be a worthless piece of shit who brings absolutely...
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So I've been playing this game the last few days. It's called "What Time is it in Tokyo?" I've gotten sort of obsessed with it, actually. Every time I look at my watch or a clock, I automatically add 14 hours so I know what time it is where Amanda is. I miss her.

Another thing I'm digging right now is shredding stuff. I brought...
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I think it may have been in Manyunk,(sp?) or perhaps a gay club.(I'm not, but friends that are)... I'm not sure exactly, but you look soooo familiar. It will be one of those things where it will be 3am and I will realize where it was. What is your favorite "hang-out"?
VD sucks. And by that I mean not only venereal disease, but also Valentine's Day... stupid Hallmark holiday. Oh, wait--I'm not bitter and single anymore. I guess I can stop hating this ode to Cupid and all things romantic and sickeningly sweet. I'd probably be all over it if Amanda wasn't on the other side of the world right now. So, I sat at the...
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I think I've seen you before...
So, I've been meaning to write about this place I went last week with Amanda. The reason I have yet to do this is that I fear mere words cannot do it justice--and that's something coming from a linguaphile like me. I do love a challenge, though, so I'll give it a shot. Imagine a warehouse that is not really a warehouse, but more of...
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Just because there's nothing else going on to write about, I made a list of my favorite things to eat in Philly. Here it is, in no particular order:

1. Risotto with barbeque rib meat at Angelina
2. Ginger cured salmon with tempura nori at Buddakan
3. Dungeness crabs and crab fries at Chickie's & Pete's
4. Pumpkin-ricotta ravioli with sage brown butter at Astral...
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thankyou so much for the advice! that is exactly what i was thinking....plus hes getting his own dog so what if we do break up and i realize i had to give up a cat and he gets to take the dog,,,,that would suck. so anyways, thanks smile
oh by the way...Tucker is the cutest little cutie ever! biggrin
Yesterday Andrea, my dog walker, called to tell me there was a gas leak at the house and she was taking Tucker with her. I called my landlord, who went to check on the place. Turns out he had been running his car in the garage downstairs (I guess with the door closed) and completely filled the house with fumes. Now I ask you, who...
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Ugh. Still trying to recover from Blue Ball weekend. It's been way too long since I carried on like that. I called in sick today but I'm still sitting at home working... well, sort of. SG is so much more interesting than writing user guides. And there's something wonderfully subversive about looking at naked chicks on my work computer. We have this porn filtering software...
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what the hell, you are a pervert too...great...i don't think the clubs too exclusive though...and umm...make mint jelly out of salvia divornum....god shows up for a cameo and then your brain melts...its kinda fun, actually its so-so, kinda like limbo.