so i guess some people arent getting what im saying about suicide girls. im not against or saying that they are not good models, in fact i love suicide girls. what my topic has been since the beginning is the attitude. you can be a suicide girl no matter what you look like as long as you have the attitude to carry yourself. ive seen...
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I'm sorry, but for all the things you're toting about attitude and being strong and being yourself- I questioned your last blog and all you did was delete it. If you think I am wrong or I took something from it that was not meant- please just tell me. Frankly I think it is rude to delete someones well thought out comment. Isn't that the point of blogs?
And although I am sure you will delete this- AGAIN- I'm sorry but this recent blog is just back pedaling. You plainly say-

suicide girls with no tattoos or piercings? come on...i know its about the attitude but theres other places to model hell go to playboy.

Nowhere does it say anything about facial expressions. I am only trying to understand your point of view because obviously, it's confusing to me.

i know what i said. sorry if deleting your comment offended you so badly but i stand by what i say. i should have put in my last blog about facial expressions. that was my wrong hense why i wrote another blog explaining more in depth what i meant. i see that my blog before was offensive and plan to delete that one so that people dont take offense to what i say rather they understand what im trying to convey in my blog. no i will not delete your comment you brought up a good point in which i felt the need to correct what i said before.
the blog i had here was poorly written and my point was not brough out the right way,
im looking for a denver photograper that would work with me on a new set
ive been looking for a long time and cant seem to find anyone
i dont know how to network to get in touch with photographers that work on here
if you know anyone send them my way! id really appreciate it.
i love modeling
if your not making ripples in the water what are you here for?
im glad my last post got some attention and im glad that people agree with me while some staff doesnt
im glad other people are seeing the same thing i do
i love SG dont get me wrong
I have nothing against this place or i wouldnt be here. im always on...
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biggrinI like the way you bitch, its bitchin!biggrin
so let me ask everyone this...when did suicide girls become myspace? other than a few good models like Nixon the girls look plain....what started out to be a site where women like me could model and feel good we are turned down....i just dont get it anymore. i understand why people are going to other pages now. understand why other girls are trying to model...
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i just feel like so so many members feel this way but are overseen because of the idea of making more money or whatever is going on in corperate. im not saying this about every suicide girl i just see some girls that do not really look all that amazing though they are beautiful i just dont see the appeal other than pussy and ass. dont get me wrong i love suicide girls i just dont want to see this site go down because other sites are doing more of what the people really want to see. ive just had a lot of my friends leave sg in the past year because they feel like its not what it use to be and i was expressing that. i believe in expressing how you feel even if you push buttons....if people are getting angry theres always a hidden reason behind that
remember that. im not god or anything but i do spend a lot of time studying web designs for this kind of modeling
you've been here since...late october? in the last 6 months do you really feel like you've seen things change?

and to answer your initial question. Suicidegirls became more like myspace when the entire internet became more like myspace: when myspace came out. suddenly posting attempted sexy pictures, saying "love me" and random friend requests wasn't the exception. it was the rule. that trickled down into every subcommunity on the internet as well.

But the good (double-edged sword) news for suicidegirls was that it was gaining popularity and opening doors for alt porn at an alarming rate. Depending what you count as SG going "mainstream", this may have happened 7 years ago and it's been snowballing since. and pretending like there was a suicidegirls "weird tattooed" look that is gone simply isn't true. Robin is a great example from may 2002. No tattoos, no piercings. But she still had that SG attitude. That's the thing that (to a decent degree) has changed. The girls used to have that "suicidegirls attitude" for lack of a better thing to call it. just some way about them. and it was rare that one would get turned pink who really was a boring suckfuck person.

There are still a lot of kick ass newer suicidegirls. You posted a bunch of awesome girls in this blog. But overall now the entire field is just watered down. It's like every 18 year old with a credit card wants to be a suicidegirl so they can be accepted to the club that they perceive as [fill in the blank]. That's....not right. I don't care what they look like or how "strange" or "crazy" they are. That's not what it was about and it's too late to go back now. But to then complain about SG going all corporate is to pretend like when they opened the goal wasn't to make money. They haven't changed as much as the pool of girls trying to become suicidegirls has.

nice hopeful tag.
as quizzical as life seems at times it is in itself just life
a simple trip from a to beginning.....or beginning to a however you see it
i feel we leave so little an imprint and i am determined to leave a mark of myself in the sand of time
i who always felt unimportant and unworthy will turn the pages of eyes in time...
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exactly smile
i thought i had something profound to say but rather im tongue tied
my thoughts keep twisting in my head and i just dont know what to say anymore
finding a job is like pulling teeth if you dont look like miss america

im at a loss of what to say about this word now a days
how hard things are
how easy some things...
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super cute piclovelovelove
that was very profound.