Went to taos this weekend; walked in the crystal darkness of late winter down a great gorge to the banks of the rio grande wherein lies old hotsprings. Oh my, it was something special.

Going to a place like this with the locals makes it that much better, too. There was a certain sort of nonchalance that helped me really relax and soak up the...
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vegan bakeries? do tell.
Deep in hermit mode. Wish it were deeper, I still have to go to class, get my car fixed, make arrangements for this that and the other.

I'm glad it's almost march, not long until the spring equinox, pisces is here.

I'm giving up for lent.

Lots of domstic time lately, esp. in the kitchen. Got a good sourdough starter going - just took two...
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If you expect much from people, they'll only let you down. I don't blame them, really. I just tell myself that I'm a bit more evolved than the average human, which is why they continually fail to meet my standards. Their simple minds just can't possibly understand the way I function. Or maybe I'm just making excuses for not having friends.

Maybe if we wore Ugg boots people would like us more, eh?
hope you make the best of your hermitage. I love the sun in the kitchen, not my kitchen, but someone's awesome kitchen. I could live in the kitchen...maybe I should get hired on as an alice, take care of some wealthy family's brats.

mmm bread sounds good.

Wish you the best...
I think i need some time alone. Busy weekend. Now, finally, I'm at home peaceful and quiet, listening to the (used) CDs I bought at the store today. Oh man, I love new music.

Superbowl sunday. Watched the tube 3 or 4 minutes, just long enought to see the clock and the score. Got half-raging drunk with a bunch of seriously fly people in a...
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that's cool, I am into give and take, but what the heck does that have to do with bacon? LOL.

"He also has perfect teeth and I bet his cock is /// source of chaos let me be the butterfly"

I, um, like the way you think. Now you only need to convince M. Shadows and you'll be golden in my book, baby. More than golden. You'd win some kind of award.

I hope you're enjoying your isolation. Alone time is good in small doses. When it becomes your life, that's when you should worry.
Today I went biking down by the river, in the Bosque. I was playing in the riversand with cayotes yipping to the south and migrating geese honking to the north at sunset, surrounded by a city yet all by my lonesome.
Morgan pointed it out recently - a bit of sunshine and fresh air really takes the edge of, well, everything else.

Tonight I was...
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State of the Union? I listened to 15 minutes. That was enough to spike my blood pressure uncomfortably. Impeachment is too good - try them all for treason, Boss Hog, Mr. Vice, and their Flying Monkey Cabinet.

Gore's MLK Day Speech, on the other hand, was seemingly unheeded, written by the man himself, and almost entirely straight talk (as opposed to doubletalk).
Speech text...
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Thanks, pal. I didn't get to hear the State of the Union. I'm sure I could catch some on TV right now, but I don't feel like enduring a headache for the better part of my day.

The end days are not yet here, my friend. They will come to pass once we've died and our corpses are rotting. Unless weapons of mass destruction kill us all, which would be unfortunate. Ah, the human ego... Things will be fine if we just start addressing issues of importance, like world peace. We just need more love, baby. Who knows, maybe I'll see the day marijuana is legalized.
Your halloween photos are hilarious, by the way. bok Now I must treat myself to a bubble bath. love

[Edited on Feb 02, 2006 10:57AM]
I watched the whole charade. Someone on PBS said it best, (something like) "it's a tradition/like a pageant or ceremony. It has all the parts that must be played." It'sall rhetoric. There's no actual plan. Just the lipservice of plans and smoke screens.

end of days near? who knows. I've still got this moment to be in, can't imagine this moment ever not being.

However, if you are considering the political implications of bush-fucks, dowhatteverthefuckhewantstodo agenda folding the govenment, it's possible. It could break down to the point where states and maybe even local governments take charge until a new governemt can be put in place. Can we ever trust that? who knows. Would it collapse completely, possibly. I am going to stop here, speculation reigns eternal. Who knows the fate of all tomorrows parties....

Silver would seem like a good idea, but our silver wholesale compay just went out of business and due to a mess too complicated and tedious to bother wasting your time with, we have an abundance of silver jewelry in the actual jewelry store, but only like one of each item. It's too troublesome to put things up for sale that have to be ordered then hopefully delivered for valentines day. I hated it that during christmas!

Y'all make me warm inside, and that makes me happy. I'd *really* rather be warm than cold, inside at least.

For the celestially inquisitive, Venus is in retrograde until 3 Feb 06, which seems to jive with my overall intro/retrospective interpersonal perspective. (Was that verbal mastrubation?) The Chinese New Year of the Dog, bingxu, will begin with the first new moon after the sun enters...
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I just left a message on your previous journal though I thought I had already done so.

you are welcome,I suppose. Your writing, though only somewhat sampled from your journal entries is quite interesting. your style I mean.

It's my year. My chinese sign is a Dog. So It's the year of the dog now. yay for me!

May the warmth inside remain until something even more fiery comes along. smile

Hmmmmmm, whiskey. My new favorite poison.

I quite smoking fags, as folks call them elsewheres, and it seems that I've gotten an itch for something else, to take up the slack? Rob, my illustrious and currently-elsewheres roommate, got me a bottle of Jack instead of a cake. My request.

Thanks for birthday wishes. I was in bed with a fever, "resting up". I'm celebrating tonight,...
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Weird, I'd sware I left you a comment. hmm.

you are welcome. I am glad you quit smoking, though picking up whiskey, hmmm. Good luck.

what's "downhome" music to you?
I made it home.

Back to real life? It seems surreal. So far I've managed to unpack a bit, buy groceries. God of sound and light be praised for today's holiday.

Evening classes this semester, with no real excuse not to stay up 'til dawn reading and writing other than a healthy desire not to piss off roommate and destroy my health in the process?...
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happy birthday
Happy birthday man!!! I it's was'/is the greatest day for you.
For the record, today was a *really* good day that's not ending so well. I went to the best trapeeze show, and walked alone along the dark and dirty traintracks singing loudly. I got everythong I needed and I don't know what I want. Now I've got Arcade Fire playing, I'm (still) drinking whiskey, and neither are helping. I'm alone in a friend's Apt, and...
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it's almost friday. You'll be out there soon enough. Leaving and growing up...you can't go back without everything just feeling seperate, like something you "USE" to do.

What does back amongst "the lonely" refer to?

It's actually really nice weather here. It was 71 today. So hybernation doesn't do it for me. In fact, that' one of my favorite things about NC lots of sunshine. In 2005 Ohio had like less than a weeks worth of clear skies and sunlight in the winter. That totally equals grey and grey, which translate into servere funked out depression.

It's the alcohol and nostalgia. My ex was sometimes wonderful, like just sitting in nature just listening to gods sounds and feeling its light from within, but while many memories shine sublimely, she is shards of shattered glass that bloody my hands whenever I try to hold on to her. Time has made it easier, but it's hard to imagine ever being totally over her. AT least not until I find the one that I am looking for, she'll be everything I ever imagined wanting in a girl. Unless it's a guy, which I hadn't really contemplated what sort of guy I wouldn't mind being with. Interesting how I differentiated "wouldn't mind being with" for the guy and "exactly what I am looking for "girl. hmmm.

So what is AZ like? Are you from TN?
sorry, I'll have to craft my skills of getting people to give specific information without asing direct questions. smile

Good answers btw. I get the desert as lonely, now.

Well, I judged myself. I don't really consider myself a sexist dumbass who goes after girls for purely sexual reasons, but that's exactly what I find myself doing. I just wanted to write as clearly as possible what I've been doing both as a creative exercise and as a slap across the face to wake myself up or accept that this is who I am so I can get to changing my life.

Thanks for not judging. I wasn't looking for that kind of criticism anyway. smile
today was pissed-off service industry night in East Tennessee. I spent an embarrasingly long time buying nonperishable groceries at super walmart tonight, langourously hunting for the rare scaps of vitality contained therein. The checkout woman was stocking cigarettes. I tried to make friendly late-nite conversation, and she'd have none of it. Finally, she picks up the can of coconut nectar that i'd drunk while shopping,...
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I often get that look when I open a drink while standing in line at checkout. I think it's pissed-off service industry eon in Laurinburg. I love going to a drive thru, "can I get a..." "what? What do you want?" "can I get a--" "I can't hear you. What do you want?" I usually leave them like that. I long for the day when we can see each other's faces on video screens. I'll mirror and record their gaping, sneering mugs so they get a taste of their own medicine.

I enjoyed my visit home, but I am glad I didn't have to move back for the better part of a month like you seem to have done.

Ex's suck. Mine wants to be friends, but doesn't really want me to be honest about anything. She calls to talk then says she has to run if I in anyway sound sad.

read this if you get bored.

Good luck with the end of smoking. you'll love yourself so much more in ten years if you manage to stop. You won't look prematurely old, either.

When does school start back up for you?

Did you ever consider that everything so seriously is why are you escaping in TV and whatever else you said you were gourging yourself with?