This computer smells funny.

Smell is my new answer to everything.

I swung on park swings with a beautiful girl last night, who had the sweetest septum piercing and extravagent pisces shoulderblade tatooes, with the best smelling (unshaven/dark haired) armpits that ive smelled in ages...

Sandy is my favorite smell, like a fossilized beach.
she's dangerous! look out, i tell you! that's how i used to nab them... by swinging on swings with my victims and wearing the night like a second skin until they were absolutely gone... that's when i POUNCED! and those furry armpits are a sure sign she's intense across the board

but good for you for appreciating the way things are supposed to be.
Dead pigeons under both bridges, the interstate bridges that share flotsam with their perpendicular cousin I-40, o transcontinental ribbon safely and conscientiously divided down the middle by a chest-high wall of concrete or a swale of grass, cutting so considerately through neighborhoods to separate poor from white, conveniently carrying any wandering plague to far corners (everywhere we want to be).

I bike under the north...
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mm, i like. a good balance of beauty and unease. the only line i can't get to work starts with "After all..." just can't make it make sense in my head.

what was your classmate giving a presentation on... the originis of pot? and hostels, i swear you can learn more in one night in a hostel than... um... than elsewhere. ever see L'Auberge Espanole? not that it really applies, but it popped in my head.

and what are you studying in school anyway?
why thank you. he's a keeper.

thank you for clarifying for me. i really enjoyed the piece and i wanted to understand all of it. as much as i want to go live in the wilderness, there is so much strangled beauty in urban settings. at least, inspiration. of course, i would find plenty to write about in the woods, but it would eventually grow isolated and insulated.
btw, gallery and weblog up and running (finally):
ABQ, 87102

Of what use is free beer without free speech?
Go, GPL, go!
I live in the most odd of places. Yesterday it was sunburn hot, and today the wind was gusting at 50mph, a great dust-storm obscuring the East Mountains, grit in teeth and eyes, bits and some larger pieces of trees hailing down, would need ski-goggles to ride a bike.

Only hours later I bike home shivering. The sky is clear, the air perfectly still and...
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you live on Tatooine?

btw, \m/ on the GPL link in the previous post. i'd make two comments, but i don't want to give myself the impression that i actually have that much free time. smile
you live on Tatooine?

btw, \m/ on the GPL link in the previous post. i'd make two comments, but i don't want to give myself the impression that i actually have that much free time. smile
Experiencing excessive frustration today; need a really long walk; finished pynchon's V., no longer have an obsessive distraction; reading the paper and smoking cigarettes is no substitute; coffee doesn't seem to help either; finally did taxes today in preparation for FAFSA, accompanied by fear and self-doubt; last week's adrenaline-rush of school has evaporated, leaving in its wake a sickly-weak feeling, and an inability to concentrate;...
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my journal rules
that was a particularly lovely piece of depression. especially the part about your new obsession - though i'm guessing it's really an old-as-time obsession. i'm a fan of that particular geometry as well, and there are so many forms it can take. i'm finding myself just kind of wishing i could gaze at a world of them and have that be just perfectly normal. just gazing. i like to gaze. i kind of just want to melt into that.

i'm sorry i hadn't written back yet, but i planned to... maybe i'll do that now instead of finishing up here....
is the internet slowly becoming an innernet, where its ok to be patently and demonstrably crazy, to cease self-censorship and give free reign to the voices.

you've heard those of which i speak. i hear yours, quiet from the topmost corners of the room, as i lie (lay??), waiting, at the edge of sleep.

as we go mad, perhaps the world will unhinge enough to...
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the life of the party
i'm an asshole maybe half of the time
Not a sadist-asshole
No killing of roaches
Or spiders, please
It's dreams
that i have
no problem
walking over

At least when there's
somewhere to get
to that
would rather
we showed up
awake and gleaming
than asleep like stones

still, i'm
late more than half
the time; i quite...
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sorry it's been such a long time. the weather's nicer, school's picked up, and i seem to spend less late nights cruising pixel-land these days.

Brewing continues. Planted a native hops plant in the back yard under our apricot tree this morning. The spring colors have been beautiful, rosemary flowers glowing a subtle ultraviolet blue in the early morning light.
wow, now that's homemade booze. never knew anyone to go as far as planting a... plant. good for you. glad to hear from you, but also glad you're enjoying real life. that is, after all, what we were always talking about. pretty esoteric when you think about it.... ah, life.
Is it a bad sign that SG feels like playing D&D sometimes? Life in little boxes is such a safe sort of exciting. This winter I languish in my own self-constructed security, wool socks, hot tea and soup.

I'll miss it when it's gone. India says, "I can't be a SG forever"... The daffodils are poking their heads out of the soil. Ready, set.
I spend way too much time on this site. whatever
fortunately our daffs have held back the blooms (even on a 55 degree day like today). they're pretty tall for now, but we're expecting a rain/snow mix tonight and it'll probably zap them.

where you been?