It was a toss up.. and I chose to read ppl minds😵. I am always curious to know what ppl r thinking and who knows if they tell me the truth when I ask "What are you thinking about?💭".or ya know how expressions come over some faces? I certainly am guilty of this.. my face can look like wtf r u saying🙎..When I am meaning...
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It would surely be a help for identifying fake friends but sure it could backfire when you just meet someone.
Interesting power it would be nice to know. Also your comment about about common sense is spot on.

So my gf and i were at a park walking her dog.. here comes a man and his little boy maybe 2 or 3 yrs old.. the whole time this little boy was being ignored by this so called man.. bc he is persistently tryn to converse with my girl.. I said something to the guy like I will play with ur kid if u...
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Very good thing for u to do.
That was a nice thing you did . People need a license to do just about everything except to have a child. 

From Dusk til Dawn..Salma Hayek ..When she did the snake dance scene.. she sticks her toe in Tarantino's mouth and pours beer down her leg..

She says," You will be my pet. I will name you Spike. I will let you lick the dog shit off my boot heel."

📽🎬👸📺❣ @rambo @missy

Scarface.. "All I have in this world is my balls and my word...
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So I take it, you have used that spike quote lol!😍💕❤️

EMBRACE THEM❣ Eventually, haters become fanz..😂 Always be thankful for the road ahead or that was left behind. Know that these ppl r not fully in ur life bc there is a bigger plan for U.❣ Let them watch how it's done.👀.hand out pencils/paper.? ✍ Regardless if they decide to take notes..In the end they will need them to take ur autograph❣❣❣. 📽🎬👸📺💋 @rambo @missy

excellent advice and awesome pic
Thanks Luvs.. xoxoxxo

HHHHahahah...So I have met someone famous.and at the time we met I had zero clue who the fuk he was. Mr. Eddie Griffin-comedian,actor

Hanging on Sunset Strip.. Hollywood,CA. My girl and I got to the House of Blues.. we mingle👥..We dance💃..We drink.🍸We conversate. I go to the bar for another, tipsy lover to my lips, 💋 this guy asks to buy me a drink.. I...
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Henry Rollins, Sigourney Weaver

THE FACTS: U heard it here first from the horse's mouth..So to speak. 🕵

I am an ONLY child..Meaning I have no idea what it means to share,lol or civil rivalry ya know with that "bond" type feelings.

I am a SURVIVOR. What doesn't kill u makes u stronger to live longer.. if u only knew. I could write novels. Many may have died trying...
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Great blog! ;)

Fave movie of all time hands down Saturday Night Fever! I freakn love this movie.. some of my dance moves come from this movie.😂 I def would have been a disco mutha fukn queen in those days. I love the fashion, the time, the hair, the dance moves, the era period..etc. U name it I loved it! They had swag withouteven Knowing it. I've always...
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The Princess Bride.  Because of  fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles. 😜 Dire Straits soundtrack. The most one liners of any movie ever made (imo). It's timeless.
great choice, I loved the sound track to that movie 

My cherry poppin' 1st tattoo is of my zodiac sign-VIRGO, actually being just the symbol ♍..It is located on the back of my neck. There was a time when I had went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras and on a whim I decided to get it done. So every time I travel I make it a point to get a new tattoo.. not every
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Virgos' rule 

I'm the one on the left of the pic😘

you make that costume look so good 

My biggest superstition is NEVER SPLIT POLES... It fucks up my $$$. I don't walk under ladders, hell I don't even climb on ladders. I try not sit my purse on the floor always in a chair or hang it up. Burn the clothes u go to jail in. I love black cats so they bring me no harm. Friday the 13th has always been...
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I never heard the jail one before... but I have never been