Hey! I just joined yesturday so I'm new to this site. I'm WOW friends with Nyssa, Tailin's, and Seantastic. They are really nice people.
Hey - a journal!!!

Just a few groups that I have on my list in case you didn't know where to start. Private groups might not consider you until you put up a picture - if there is something that I'm in that you want in that is private let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Check out my friends list for cool people besides me and the boys.

World of Warcraft Group

Do you knit or crochet or sew?

Good for finding recipes or looking for meal ideas

Might be helpful for renewing your vows

Married Women group

Porn! Sorta - this is the public dirty story group

Erotic Writing group - this is the private dirty story group - they just make sure you aren't super creepy before they let you in
