So, about 3 years ago a (male) friend and I decided to start a porn site, I had the resources, and the know how, he, well, he had the idea in the first place whatever .

We ran an ad on the paper to see if we could find some chicks to pose, none turned up, we had calls but no one ever showed for the...
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I am reading 1984, nuff said. smile

Oh and I just love Ovida's umathurmanesque nose so much I had to add her to my favorite girls, the rest of her is just as yummy. love biggrin
Listenin to Metallica's Kill 'em All CD, Darn I miss pre "Load" Metallica frown

Ever noticed how Megadeth's FFF sounds a lot like Motorbreath, yet unlike The four horsemen/mechanix thing Motorbreath was NOT co-written by Mustaine?
Don't give me that ladder theory crap. They only got it half right.
Can we stay on topic here? biggrin
Watching SNL now, man this show really sucks nowadays, and what's with Horatio Sanz? he's never been funny.
Well, I have a job interview at Intel in 2 hours, wish me luck.

Ironically I much prefer AMD over Intel eeek
good luck.
Well I did not get the job but thanks anyway smile

I should probably make a new journal entry.
Not that anybody cares, but I hate Brian Seacrest, I wish him a long and painfull death
you mean ryan seacrest?
Yeah, noticed the mistake after posting, I still hate the guy though, I dont like american idol at all (except maybe for Simon), but I sometimes find that my TV is tuned to it while I am at the computer, I use the TV sort of like a radio, to keep me company while I am coding or gaming on the computer.

I've now make sure to change the channel whenever crap such as American Idol, Will and Grace, or specially life with bonnie comes up, I am glad that last piece of shit got canceled.

[Edited on Jun 01, 2004 10:06AM]
Just saw Troy, its pretty good, but highly inacurate, its a good thing we have Hollywod to set things straight, like the fact that Jesus invented the eating table whatever

Anyway, right at the beginnin of the ending credits we are told that the Movie was only "inspired" by the Illiad, sneaky way of avoiding responsibility biggrin
I am so freaking bored right now whatever
I am complete Loser!

So I was walking up the crowded downtown San Jose streets, and coming the other way walks an old acquittance of mine, a chick, an old high school classmate that used to be completely hot. . . and still is.
What do I do? Well I just walk by, not knowing whether she recognized me or not, of course right after...
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