Torture Garden next weekend. You going?
Yes. I wish I could claim to be going to London for the original but Toronto will have to do. I was at the last one and it's quite a spectacle. Much different than the Northbound events. A little edgier. Northbound has gotten very PG in the past few years.
Hope all is well.
My dear old day used to say "Carpe Diem" or seize the day. I've made an effort to do so for years and now I'm beginning to wonder if I might have seized it a bit too tight. I may have killed it. Fuck.
Oh no, kratzkratz1. The Dumbs won! And L'imbicile was skunked so bad he is stepping down, poor thing. And Elizabeth May was still genuinely smiling. Do you think she went back stage with some of the Marijuana Party? I would and I don't partake whatsoever.blush
It was inevitable. Sad, but inevitable. I just returned from the US so wasn't even here to commiserate with my peeps. Instead, I was subjected to non stop rhetoric about whether or not the American people deserved (DESERVED) the right to see photos of a recently killed terrorist. Fuck. Move on. Isn't Oprah giving some shit away today? So, even though "Dumb" won, I still feel like we live in the greatest country in the world...zits and all.
I need some adventure, some excitement maybe some danger; a tryst with someone whose English is poor and legs are long. Sweat and nylon, smoke and gin. I'm becoming a robot. Beep fucking Beep.

Go here, see this, meet him, come home. I had, what many might consider, to be an adventure filled week. NYC, Atlanta and Chicago and yet, I saw little and did...
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It's funny to read about someone else who feels trapped........
We're about a week into election campaigning in Canada and I'm already sick of the rhetoric. I'm not apathetic, not anarchistic but the constant whining and mudslinging has kept me from becoming informed. The playground antics of politicians leave me wanting more.
Ha! Yeah, sexed up on the ice is electrical tape and jump boots. smile

If I read one more douche bag comment like "your eyes are so beautiful" I'm gonna puke. Fuck. Really? Who needs a hug? Call my mom. She'll hug the shit out of you. Fuck off.
ha. smile
Yep. I really am. The first set was shot in minus 40F. Lucky me.

Oh, I bring all of my own wardrobe. However, I also bring enough to share. So I usually do give fishnets away for those ladies that never thought they would need a pair. Actually I'm the go to girl for a lot of that sort of clothing. ha.
Just returned from 5 days in San Francisco. I've been spending a lot of time in beautiful SFO recently and I'm seriously considering a move.
It's a big weekend. I look forward to this weekend and Northbound's annual leather ball. Big night with lots of awesome people. Bring it on.
Just returned home from NYC. What is it about that city that stirs me, ignites me, gets me so damn excited? I live in a big city. I live in a big, liberal city. I live in a big, liberal city that I love. What is it about NYC that makes it so special? It's a little ugly, and a little crazy and it's virtually...
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I absolutely love the city. smile

Oh, and those aren't the shots I took today, the ones we shot professionally were much better. tongue
So it's Canadian thanksgiving this weekend. A friend invites me to go for a ride on this beautiful Sunday afternoon. I had to decline as I'm cooking a feast for me and mine. I realized that he and his belle were alone for thanksgiving and despite some bad blood with said "belle" we decided to bury the hatchet and invite them to dinner. They politely...
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Thanks for the compliment. I hope you do write more. :]

That said -- I hope you don't mind that I found it very funny the way your wording turned around in this. I did -not- see the last part coming. Sorry your plans got smashed up. People are fucks. Especially in shit, overbearing relationships.

Sometimes you have to chalk it for a while .. or a while longer.
I will write more...it's an outlet that I use too seldom these days. I used to write. I'd journal, wax poetic and even held a gig as entertainment editor for my university newspaper. Nowadays I find myself searching for outlets and none are as satisfying as writing. I've been playing guitar my entire life and while, I love a good jam-session, I don't take a great deal of pleasure in doing it for myself. I love photography too but rarely find the inspiration. I need a muse or perhaps a serious addiction to something that'll bring on the sort of melancholy madness of those who are inspired. Harumph.