i find it strange that only at the wee hours of the morn [once again, i have not slept yet, and it's already 0740], or when i have to bullshit my way through an essay for class, do all the words pour out. interesting...

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One of my personal favorites is "your dumb," to which my response is usually "my dumb what?"
they kept fizzing and popping in my mouth i was eating so many lol.x x
the following is one of three tattoos i plan on acquiring over the next few months. God willing, i'll at least have one by march 30, my birthday. originally drawn by my friend brit, i'm going teh edit it slightly, cleaning it up a tick, but, generally speaking, i'm keeping the original concept.

future upper back tattoo [unless y'all can think of a better...
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am i crazy? or am i finally sane? recent events have caused some confusion in my understanding of my own sanity...

the other night i did something. now... whether or not i'll regret it is all up teh time. the decision teh do what was done required a long and arduous journey both into myself and my past. this decision... has caused me a great...
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offered to give you head?


he must really want the cock.

oh and heres this:


please help!
it's strange how much we rely on one another teh define ourselves. teh make ourselves feel whole. for some it's as simple as just having a group of folks teh chill with so we don't get bored; while for others, they need people to actually function well in this fucked up world.

who am i kidding? no one is like that. we're all wholly independent...
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i think a lot of people strive to be what they THINK their friends and peers want them to be.

some people should be themselves. indeed.
Thanx, i will keep u updated! my set is named from russia w love, after my wrist tattoos. i want u to cross ur fingers 4 me! talk ne time. i love talking to all the members bc everyone is so chill and there rnt very mny cool cats in milwaukee!
enough with this idiotic (buy a donut), vague/over-used (lose weight, quit smoking, find love), self-centered (me, me, ME dammit!), and unaccomplishable (i.e. yer too damn lazy teh go through with it, quitter!) resolutions! c'mon people! let's get creative!

...wanna see mine?

New Year's Resolutions for 2008
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where are my pants...?


...when did i take them off? nevermind. hmmm... updates. updates... i'm headed to my buddy's hooka bar, the Oasis Cafe, tomorrow night teh help set up fer the new year's bash. it's always a kickin' time o'er there. i remember when i was helping set up the place before opening day, building the stage and such... good times... *wipes...
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happy new year!

miss you around here!
christmas eve: at work.
christmas day: alone.

spoils of the holiday: $65 total and a pair of shorts.

...i don't wear shorts.

rock hard. live harder. o_O
open up my chest...
looking for my heart...
all that's left is empty inside...
where's my heart, i wonder...
confused about where it could be...
there it is...

broken. fractured. bleeding.
destroyed by the last person i'd suspect...


the one who dragged me through the mud for 6 years...
but i was too ignorant to see...

silly me...

rock hard. live harder. o_O
hmmm... what to say...

lemme get back to ye...

rock hard. live harder. o_O
i can't find my pants...


rock hard. live harder. o_O
life's getting dull.

and i'm finding it harder and harder to maintain interest in this site due to a lack of any sort of communication between me and anyone.

i'm hungry...

rock hard. live harder. o_O
Mmm so how are you? <3