Okies here's Sis' link to the pix that her camera took at the shop. She got the rose.. I got the kitties. The rest will be done sometime this week.. let me know what you think.. I'll load the ones from the boi's camera after work today.



Part one of tattoo.. got the kitties on.. go sometime next week to get actual seams done. Ended up having to have another guy do it.. but he's the owner of the place and gave me a fair deal on it as well as hook my Sis up with some ink as wel.. hehehe amok amok amok!!!

Pix need to be uploaded.. will have...
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Woots!! Tomorrow is Tat day!! I'm nervous and excited at the same time. Not sure if he's gonna do it all in one sitting or if I'll have to return in a couple of weeks.. we'll see.

Off to rest a bit.. had a slamming migraine at work today.. gonna curl up with a fuzzybutt and Fred and watch a movie.

Okies its Tues/Mon.. which is a double edge sword.. the good is that I have only 4 work days.. and the bad is.. well I have 4 work days.. being new kid I don't get paid holidays, yet. Had a decent weekend.. went to Hathor's Garden Sat night.. had a good time.. the boi knew over half the club and of course one of the...
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thanks for the comment. i rushed these pics, cuz i was runing out of batteries... but next time ill have plenty batteries, and more time.
Hallo! Ciamar a tha thu thein! biggrin

Actually, I am really new to the whole renfaire and reenactment scene.
Going to the Texas Renaissance Festival in '04 was my first time. And the only other time I've been to one was the MIchigan Renaissance Festival last year.
(I've attended those two because I have family near both, and there isn't a damn thing here in Ark.)
But both were fun enough to get me addicted! biggrin (gonna try for both this year)
I have'nt heard of the one you're refering to. I'll have to look it up and check it out.
Thanks for the welcome!

I've noticed that you're in the "Scottish and Irish" group...but did you know about the "Faire Folk" group here on SG?
You can find a link to it under my groups in my profile.
Have a look and check it out. biggrin
Wooooooooooots!! Finally a fetish night that falls on a weekend. *And* good buddy of the boi's is one of the DJ's tonight which means the music is gonna jam!!!

Hope Hathor's Garden is at least bigger than Club Hell.

Shit!! I need to find something to wear!!!

Thank Goddess.... its Thurs. That means tomorrow is Fri (yes I know it always happens like that) and the beginning of a 3 day weekend (doesn't alway happen). Is it me or does it seem that the past couple of days someone just left the barn door open at the idiot farm and they got loose and appear to be bringing back friends?

I've been...
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Morons arn't hard to find, even if you arn't actively looking for them. We all need to find something so we don't kill them.

New Tattoo's biggrin

I'm sure my idea of good trouble mite not be concidered good to everyone else.
Roleplaying sure, as long as its fun, and everyone stays in charactor wink
The whole wolf in sheeps clothing and vise versa just really got me thinking about passive/aggressive behavior...I think the song passive from A Perfect Circle set it off.
Did some major grinding this weekend with Sis on EQ. Got my death whore up 4 lvls. Can't quite raid with the guild yet but couple more weeks of this and who knows I just might get lucky and have some one lvl her up a bit maybe they'll buy her new gear or at least some spells. Got my 2 of my other toons...
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Thanx for your comment biggrin yeah, I think I'll do another set some time smile
I'm the good kind of trouble though wink

A wolf in sheeps clothing...errr...a sheep in wolves clothing...one of the two biggrin
Yay!! I finally got my own SG acct and can stop looking over the boi's shoulder at all the pretty girls!!! love

Hello, there are soooo many hotties here. Life is good.