Covid have done a lot of damage to a lot of people. More so to the Asian community. Is it funny when innocent older parents get attack and killed by random acts of violence? What's my make sick the most is that these ATTACKS been happening for a year now and finally the media Air it after another new asian dies. It shame me when...
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Organic Plant base food. Yes the Hmong pepper is that yummy. Everything is yummy in it πŸ˜‹


English Translation

I guess there's only me left here

I don't have you with me anymore

There isn't any one to embrace/by my side
Or tell me I love you
When I lift my gaze towards the sky
I miss your face/the feel of you
I'll always remember the sound of your laughter
You've been gone for a while and You haven't return
Do you...
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I've been researching and wanting to live out in a converted van. I have been Looking into vans and it great to some conversation. I didn't look into the gas and the MPG. Overall this look like the best plan and most comfortable way to live that travel lifestyle.

I have found out about living on a sailboat too. What a great idea when I...
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hi there, i've recently started doing what you're talking about, and i can offer just a little bit of advice from my own experience. and that is, if you can, i recommend having a separate living/camp set up to your travel set up. ie, a camper trailer or separate caravan style. i say this because when you arrive at a destination, whether you want to stay for a week or a month, you don't want to have to pack away everything you have just to go to the shops for a couple of things. everyday life on the road is way better, again, in my experience, if you can leave a base camp, and still go on day trips from that base. anyway, whatever you end up deciding, i hope you have fun! good luck!

If I could spend the rest of my life with my people

I would do it over and over again

Leave it up to them to fill up on their steeple

Leave it up to us to fill up on our friends

If I could spend the rest of my life with my people

I would do it over and over again

I live in...
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People want change but the riots/looting are for people own greed. Protesting peacefully works. How do you change your community if you destroy your own community. I would rather live and die for my community then destroy it.

Why do they destroy people life saving works? Why do people destroy their neighbor work? What is the difference between protest, riot, and looting?

Not everyone is
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