Wow, it is just one thing after another. Busy, busy shit to deal with. I think this will be a fun year... we can only hope.

One of my resolutions for the new year is to get some colorful t-shirts. Oh yeah, and get my hair cut.

Too many answers yet no one is asking the right questions. How sad.
Happy New Year!!! surreal 2005 just seemed to whisk away so quickly. It felt as if it was a wasted year and nothing good came of it. Having the time to reflect it actually was a great year. A year of self-realization and growth, coming to terms of sorts with that part of me which hangs on to things and never lets me move forward. Being...
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me too!!hope you've been having fun!!!
I find it truely amazing how many SGs you can have on a 30GB iPod video and still have room for all that music. eeek

I find it truely amazing how many SGs you can have on a 30GB iPod video and still have room for all that music. eeek

It's always been interesting the things you find under the tree on Christmas morning. This year it was everything from bags and bags of coffee to the new recutextendedunrated version of Frank Miller's "Sin City" and a brand spankin' new iPod video in black with SG Sophie loaded up and ready to view.

The most interesting thing I have ever found under the Christmas tree...
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Well another birthday come and gone. Not even a birthday cake.

Plans for next year are under way and I do hope it is a better year. This year wasn't too bad, but I would like to see better things for everyone.
Christmas, Christmas time is near
Time for toys and time for cheer
we've been good but we can't last
hurry Christmas hurry fast
want a plane that loops the loop
me I want a hula-hoop
we can hardly stand the wait
please Christmas don't be late.
Christmas, Christmas time is near
Time for toys and time for cheer
we've been good but we can't last
hurry Christmas hurry fast
want a plane that loops the loop
me I want a hula-hoop
we can hardly stand the wait
please Christmas don't be late.
Everything is copacetic... hope it is for you as well biggrin

Happy Birthday to Rose and lala. miao!!
It is that time again when a lot of December kids get screwed with only one present, that combo "birthday christmas" gift. So my plea is to get as many people as possible to send their favorite SG a little something or at least make an attempt at wishing them a Happy Birthday. Or maybe it's just how i feel about my birthday being so...
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