I've always wanted to do this one. Now that I am back in full force, why the devil now?!

Height: 5 foot 8 'or so'

Age: 23

Eye color: Green and they look like landscapes or so my friend says 'rolling hills deep into the distance'

Sign: Cancer

Hair color: Stripped to gingery brown with tints of black and red from previous dyes

Favourite things/Hobbies:...
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It's nice to meet you and your blog is interesting. You said you favourite subject is literature and music. Do you have any favorite authors and what style of writing fiction, nonfiction,mystery?
fiction because I am a creative soul, favourite authors tbh I have plenty so that's very hard! 

what blogs would you like me to write to catch up on?

Choosing 10 to do :) to start with!



is actually Khloe Kardashian.

Mainly the transformation

I mean look at her now

She has gone from the 'ugly sister' considered overweight and under-talented to running her own Jeans Label as well as a complete body transformation.

After all the hatred and bad publicity to put such an amazing spin on it and truly have the patience/self control/and commitment to training so hard and COMPLETELY
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This one was pretty easy,

Got to be; Harley Quinn - i am sure its relevant for a lot of you guys/but she is totally barmy, yet she loves whole heartedly and deep down wants companionship & love under all that crazy. I am very much the same, sometimes i come across as a total bitch, i am not meaning to but i...
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turns out i have other issues to deal with however i am FIGHTING THROUGH IT ALL because that is just what i do.

Would love to chat to some folks on here about health issues, mental issues and make some new friends

This website always made me feel comforted and safe and have missed it a lot tbh,

need a night out or in with...
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If you need someone to talk to or vent I'm up for it. Feel free to message. I'm always down for meeting new people :) 

@bloghomework @rambo @lyxzen

So, basically I had a bad car crash this weekend. Literally flipped the car upside down, honestly could have died and that scary thought should have stressed me right out.

A guy I am seeing was in the car and the guilt of hurting him and me was just terrible. The car is written off and there has GOT to be an...
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Wow, you were very lucky with the accident. Mine are listening to music or weightlifting at the gym it burns me out 
Glad you are both okay! I like to take a long hot shower or read a book. I used to bake cookies a lot when I was stressed

@bloghomework Basically to update my profile here is a small update on my life starting with a few new facts about me.

If there are any new homework you guys would like me to do would love your input too!

1. I have a part time job in a factory cleaning toilets and doing admin.. mundane but it pays some of the bills and as...
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Interesting blog and a good read, I can recommend some authors I read alot James Rollins, David Baldacci,and Dan Brown are all great authors who will make you want to read more 😊😊😊