bored bored bored........... frown
If you wont talk to me in person... and you swear you communicate better when writing, then maybe you will answer me here... WHY THE FUCK CANT YOU JUST SAY WHAT IS ON YOUR MIND... why do you always have to hide it... why cant you just say what you want me to do...
two years were togather and you still cant communicate to me your emotions... whatever frown
your a pain in my ass tongue i love you biggrin love kiss leave me alone god ARRR!!! you sexy pirate!!
A saying for all those out there who, like me, work their asses off at a job where they expect the world from you:

we the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible, for the ungrateful, and have done so much, with so little, for so long, that we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing.

And for those who missed my...
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Wow.. I would love to date Dee Snider!!! He rocks..
my mommy dated John 5 for a very short period of time during the Mechanical Animals tour.. my moms 37 yr old.. so.. but she doesnt like him cuz " he has too many tattoos"
WhAt The fUCk ? u know!..
They dated for a short time, my mom says he was wearing a little makeup, but not much, and she broke up with him before he went crazy with the makeup. Little did she know he was going to be loaded in a few years... lol

But John 5, thats pretty crazy as well... smile
I dont sign on for a week... and I get back and find Apnea left... Im sad now... I dont get to look foreward to her next new set... frown
A weekend wasted is not a wasted weekend... wink
I have to agree with you there!