WHOA how quickly things change..

Moved into new house couple weekends back, have missed my internet connection!
Loving the place though smile lil state house been done up now looking quite modern and stylish. With polished wooden floors all the easier to mop up spills new kitchen and bathroom, painted all earthy tones and big outside decking surrounded by low maintenance gardens.
Looking forward to summer...
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Relaxing weekend all up..
Away from the dramas of job hunting even managed to meet someone intresting, an older someone from strange circumstances!
Heh, worked out for the best anyway HOT
Forgot all about crappy work :-)
Could have been the release I needed all along tehe brag brag dirty sex, no more celibate months for me LOL
Mood is lifted !! ! !!

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happy birthday
Happy Birthday lil miss.
I'm excited
I should be worried?!?
But, it's the hope that keeps me exicted.. change...

I quit my job Tuesday (1 month notice) with nothing else yet to go to. That place put me in such a downer and meh lifes to short to work for assholes!

Crack head boss is stoked I'm out, even had to put his 2c in "I knew you weren't...
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Isn't a boss a big ugly monster you find at the end of a level that you have to defeat, and when you do defeat it it dies an agonising death while you parade around in your own victorious glory...?

Well that's what I thought a boss was anyway. wink
misery has a new exhibition at the Cross St Orphange Gallery underneath Illicit, it opened last night. sooooo pretty! i think its on for 2 more weeks - check it out!!

I just got $217 speeding fine, ouch
Grr fucken pigs... just put hold on weekend plans
damn savings and back pocket raided
mad skull
they always have to ruin plays you have ay.
Luckily for me, I''ve been driving for 5 years now and never been pulled over by a police officer. It's strange how life works.
Hopefully you had a good weekend anyway!
oh shit, i hate fines with a passion, i have paid over $1000 to those motherfuckers!!!

i once got busted doing like 120+ in a passing lane coming back from the Mount, yet had i not increased my speed i would have most likely wiped out into a truck.....cop didnt seem to fathom this fact............

I don't believe people should treat each other like posessions and expect their partners not to be attracted to other people. There are a lot of attractive people in this world.

I can't stand jealousy. It's the trait I hate most in others, and especially in myself!
....i totally agree with you....jealousy fucks things up royally....yt so many people succumb to it. me im like well big deal its the persons loss if they act on it, lifes too short to be paranoid over stuff like that!

.....hehe i once had a girlfriend in highschool who almost broke up with me because of my infatuation with Angelina Jolie!..crazy eh, that extreme, i thought it was a joke.....needless to say her jelously soon killed what was a perfectly sweet relationship...

humans are fucked up! lol

..hey check my jounral, there is an awesome gig this weekend in hamtown my friend bands are playing skull
I'm the worst sister ever frown
I completely forgot my lil bros birthday... feel horrible !! ! !! No excuse but I've been so busy lately and the days seem to run together into one big blur *GASP* new it was coming up soonish just somehow came and past without me realising mad GRR. Young sensitive new age guy he is, know hes upset I forgot. Everytime...
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One day you'll think about this... laugh nervously... and change the subject...

So my posts have been very c-grade lately

I have something intresting to write, surely
Just waiting for inspiration! wink
yeah so my car is out of action for like 2 weeks...

that sucks balls... but the good news is im finished work, and im still going on my NZ tour in my cousins car biggrin

hamilton eh?? we might be stopping there... fancy a drink?
I'll give you an F, but 10 points for honesty.

Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
"My hairs a mess, my relatives are lippy, my neighbours an asshole, my best friends a dick and my owner keeps giving me the finger!"
Free weekend texting (vodafone) brings out the tacky FWD text bombs ha
Had to share that one whatever
I hear that, and also, am I the only poor soul that suffers from Vodafone problems these last few weekends?
I send a text and it arrives hours late and vice versa. Whats up with that?
Evening SG love
Staying in the comfort of own home with good friends, good wine and good movies! How my weekend was spent.
With the frost and winter chill outside the party animal in me has gone into hibernation, cuddling up under warm blankets with hot chocolate mm

Highly recommend video "Saw" !! ! !!

Although a good night, after my coupled up friends have moved...
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Two entries in one day.. well, crossing over midnight

Quote gives nothing away about me really ha, only that you'd never hear me utter the words "stupid little life"?!? *sigh*

Just used all the hot water, extra long shower... mm
Love it! Especially seeing as it's nearly a frost outside and I'm biggest wimp during winter !! ! !!
Refreshed now though, like the days...
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oh my god! you have my career problems! wow! wait until you find the job you want but can't get it because you don't know enough people that will let you into the industry. fuckers!
"I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me... . . but it's hard to stay mad when there's so much beauty in the world.
Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once and it's too much..
Then I remember to relax and stop trying to hold onto it
Then it flows through me like rain, till I can't...
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