So feeling in need of a new journal entry but nothing really to say. Getting over a nasty headcold I've had for the past week, getting sick sucks! Feeling a heck of a lot better today though and going out for some drinks with friends tonight. Yay!
Hmmmm... I think I need a new profile pic soon.

I went with my buddy Chris to get his first tattoo the other night, for some reason though I only have one tattoo of my own I always end up being the person people ask to go with them. I think it's cause I've spent so much time in tattoo/piercing shops getting piercing work done,...
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I had a lovely experience with Thad Paskey at Electric Dragonland in Hopkins.
He's light handed and he works quickly.

When I had just my back piece done I looked at tattoos the same way. Then I went out on a whim and got the back of my legs done after only a few months of thought. It worked out just fine. wink

I suck at the internet. Well, actually I suck at journals.

At any rate, I have a new apartment and I love it. It's literally twice the size of my old place, and it's three blocks from where I work. Dishwasher, check. Laundry in unit, check. YAY!

My birthday is comming soon too. smile
I should get a trophy just going to your family events. wink
Happy Birthday, you pirate! I miss you!!!
Life is fun... take the good with the bad, it all equals out to good fun. If things were always easy it would just be borring.

Currentrly working on my third full-length album of the year, and I'm already booking for a possible three more this summer!

I'm so excited to be looking for a new appartment. Need more space! Need dishwasher! Need washer/dryer in...
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Mmmmmm.....new apartment biggrin
Welcome back!
Better busy than bored. That's what I usually say, but I'm not sure I believe it lately... whatever
to make out with both of you! colin is back, by the way. i think he missed us... biggrin
back for good or visiting?

making out is good...boy kissing is hot!
Thank goodness that christmas is finally over. If one more person tries to feed me their leftover christmas junk food I'm going to shove it up their ass.

Above I suppose is an example of how irritable I've been lately, though I'm not sure why. Last night I was sitting at a fast food restaraunt and some guy was staring at me. It wasn't the...
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hehe i love family guy. i'd marry stewie if he wasn't gay. and an infant.
bleh... I think I may want to stop drinking for a while, or at least try to make sure when I do, I do so with greater moderation. I drink maybe twice a week, but when I do whether I really get drunk or not I end up not only with a hangover but basically feeling like a total retard for the rest of the...
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lay off my vodka-soaked olives
damn car horns....
biggrin yeah...
Heyhey... more mindless stupid drivel from yours truly. Went with Sheila today to buy her Scion xB. Of course none of the dealeships actually *stock* any of the damned things so now whe has to wait 3-6 weeks for it to arive. When she gets that I buy her 98 Sunfire super-cheap so I have something to drive through the winter. I made it through...
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i want my car damnit
Haven't updated in a while. Went to San Francisco Halloween weekend, much fun there... Feeling tired all week, can't decide if it's because I started working out this last week or if I'm getting sick. I guess I'll probably find out soon.