The Nature of The Book

For reasons unbeknownst to me, my activity level and motivation have kept me busier than I've been in a long time. It wouldn't stop and I couldn't turn it off, so I ended up working on projects that I've been trying to figure out for years. But I'm wondering if I went overboard...

It now seems that, after years of...
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When it rains, it pours. Has anybody else noticed how hard it is to trust anyone, lately? I've always been a very trusting person because that's the way I want people to treat me, in return... it's come back to bite me hard in the last few days, with the last person I thought I could trust telling me otherwise today.

If we're social animals...
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Even if puberty was non-existant, you'd think that situations encountered through daily life would help even the dumbest jackass to mature a bit. Why, then, is it becoming easier and easier to find people who are so immature and shallow that it almost seems they see nothing beyond their own existence?

Chivalry is long dead, for the most part, replaced by little wannabe thugs whose...
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My sentiments exactly.

Mine, too biggrin
Why does global warming have to be a bad thing? I'm freezing my ass off, staring out the window and watching it snow, for the first time this year. This isn't normally a place that sees too much snow. I would really love to know where all these temperature increases that everybody's worrying about are taking place. I would also like to know the quickest...
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It's not ncessarily going to be a bad thing, but what's bad is EVERYthing will change, and some of those changes will be bad, and that's a sure bet.

What the net effect will be? nobody knows, and if someone says they do they're lieing. Even Al Gore.
I've really been waiting for a reason to write a positive blog, but it's not happening. I've been really down lately, but every morning I start fresh, only to get something else going against me. It's not for lack of trying, trust me, but I could really use a break. Does anybody know the closest spot to Seattle for a decent night of relaxation? I...
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Why does global warming have to be a bad thing? I'm freezing my ass off, staring out the window and watching it snow, for the first time this year. This isn't normally a place that sees too much snow. I would really love to know where all these temperature increases that everybody's worrying about are taking place. I would also like to know the quickest route to get there. And if anybody in one of those nice, warm places wants to trade, feel free to drop me a line.
Okay, so I don't normally keep a blog, let alone add two entries in under 24 hours, but this one's more of a question. Many of us on here have issues, and some of us need a little re-assurance on occasion. All of the SG's on here are damned gorgeous, but they haven't always been told so, I'm sure. The rest of us, especially those...
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Yes, I know. I gave up believing in compliments on my looks, etc, a while ago, but when I try so hard to consider myself something, professionally speaking, and spend my whole life doing it, only to come to realization, after a conversation in which a close friend could do nothing but insult me when I was trying to find an assistant, it made me start to think that maybe I'm just not what I thought I was, or wanted to be considered. I hate the woe is me stuff, but this is something that is potentially life altering and I have to sit back and re-evaluate everything in my life.
It doesn't matter how many times a person may tell you you're 'good looking' or 'pretty' whatever, if you don't believe it yourself then you'd might as well have never been told.

P.S you should reply to your comments on the other persons blog. The girl above will never see that unless she comes back to your page again.
Gotta love rubberneckers, especially in the Seattle area. I was heading to an appointment yesterday and was wondering why traffic was backed up in a place it shouldn't be. Got to the front and noticed a couple cop cars with their lights flashing. That's why traffic was slow - not because of a huge accident, or bust, or traffic issue. Nope, eeeevvverrrryyyybody here has to...
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It's that way everywhere, but Seattle-ites definitely have a fascination with flashing lights
It was hilarious, honestly. I was right between the cars coming around and the flashing lights, and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM slowed down to look, to the point they impeded cross traffic. Whatever happened to common sense?
There aren't too many more frustrating issues on this planet than sleep dsiorders and the lack of a body to keep a standard internal clock. Months of stress, anxiety, and confusion destroyed what I had left, so these days, I find myself either not sleeping at all, or not wanting to wake up at all....depending on the week.

And, of course, your brain needs to...
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Ok, so when I signed up yesterday, I didn't realize that when they asked me to say a little bit about myself, it would become my first blog post. The post, being my first, kind of makes me look a little goofy and ignorant, but oh, well. I don't normally blog, at all, so if I can remember to keep it going here, this will...
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Writer and photographer, always looking to experiment with both crafts. I do TFP for models who want to start their portfolios, and do contract work or sessions for others. I've been a teacher and trainer all my life, so if any of you ever need advise, or fantasies fulfilled, I'm more than happy to help smile. In the mean time, I'm always looking for someone...
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