So is it just me, or does Walmart completely suck? I'm so down for spending the extra bucks to go to Target now. Walmart brings out the best in people! People have completely forgotten about the BUBBLE. What I mean by bubble is this, personal space! BACK THE HELL OFF! Give me room to check my shit out man! Is it just me or do...
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Target FTW!
Well atleast you have nice jewballs. smile)
Its sooooooo cold, what is this? Alaska?eeek
I said "I love when you call me big papa"
So here it is.. New Years Eve. How many times today have you heard this "New Years already, where did the year go?". Well, i simply say, the same fucking place it went last year! Really!!!! Its a new year, we have one, well, every year! Heehee, happy new years BITCHES!!!! This 40's for you!!!!!
My name is judithsmerkin.. I'm a damaged helpless soul and need guidance.. just kidding.. I'm a strong woman who loves self expression (whatever that may be) and respects women who kick ass to get what they want in life. I look like a softie, but I'm straight ghetto and I like what I like and make no excuses. I'm like Sunchips.. Love me or Hate...
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Also, your name gave away the whole Maynard love biggrin
Well, I thought I was being clever with my name! See, I thought I was smart. Dammit! But at the same time, it weeds out the unwanted right? If you say that A.P.C has some new stuff coming out, I could die a happy person. I never got to see them in concert; I'm so pissed about that! I really fell in love with the first album. I love how he has so many different styles, but you'd know it was him in a minute. A lot of people don't like Puscifer, that makes me so sad! He is a genius.. I never ever thought I would see the day where I could go to a dance club and totally dance to a Maynard song without hurting someone, or myself for that matter. That cd came out when? I still have it (#3) in my cd changer in my car. Dude, gotta have some Deftones and Opiate too!!! Im a chic who loves some Tool.. and Deftones lol. So who are you into? You sound like a smart person who appreciates good music, and tries good wine heehee. Oh, I don't want to put off that I am a Flash Tatt girl or that I have like Metallica tatts on my ass, I just like art and different aspects, and he has it. And another Oh, I see your a fellow West Coaster? I'm originally from California. Do you believe in the whole Arizona Bay thing?