beautiful pics
Aw, no way! They weren't bad at all! I hear they're worse for guys though (nipple piercings) though last night my friend came home with me and she almost sucked it out and it's a little fudged up right now, but you're too sweet! So many compliments thank you smile
Today I had the good fortune of meeting a forager. I do not consider myself an expert in the realm of wild food and foraging, but I know a thing or two about plants and im trying to learn more. So meeting this lady was really cool! She enlightened me on a species of wild mushroom called the Shaggy Mane. I collected some and fried...
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love Love mushrooms. I met a pretty lady at the bar the other night that's starting a sort of mushroom picking club in my area that I told her I'd join. If I learn anything cool, I'll be sure to share smile
I just had to say, that the other night I saw Joanna Newsome at the Vogue in Vancouver, and it nearly blew my mind. I should mention, that previous to seeing her I had never heard her music, but holy fucking shit was it a great show! What I found the most impressive is just the sheer talent of this girl, her songs are very...
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hi smile

Well here I am again, this time reporting from lovely Vancouver.
Its good to be back west.
This is a public service announcement to all conspiracy buffs, alien fanciers and gullible morons everywhere: YouTube, and the internet in general is not a worthy and credible source. So next time you folks wish to expound on some lame theory, put down the mouse, close wikipedia, turn off Youtube, and PICK UP A BOOK! Trying to sound smart by quoting Youtube is like starting...
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I was so excited today cuz the internet was being hooked up, and since ive been without for a month or so, I was looking forward to doing some internetting. But as I sit in front of my compu, I dont even feel like looking at my screen, figures.

TOday was an interesting day, pretty bad through and through with alot more cursing than is...
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