Well, the election has come and gone. The Conservatives won but only with a minority. The NDP didn't do as well as I would have liked. The sky didn't fall. It could have been better, it could have been worse.

In related news, I get my first batch of papers handed in tomorrow to mark. 70 individual platform papers from my POLS 200 class. Should...
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Wait till they appoint the ministers.. THEN the sky will fall wink

So long Kyoto


Thanks for the kind words by the way

I was happier last night. A whole day of conservative gloating is starting to get on my nerves.

Gloating...over still almost losing to one of the most publicly corrupt parties in recent memory?
I voted yesterday in an advanced poll. I encourage everyone to get out and vote. If we all did we'd actually have a voice in government that better represents our interests. Not to necessarily say that your interests will be the same as mine, I just mean in general terms. Exercise your right. As it stands we're going to have a Conservative majority and for...
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My internet has crashed three times as I've tried to post.
Thanks for the bd wishes. Everyone should conspire to give me a non-conservative gov. as a gift.
One thing I've noticed about Harper. He has so much makeup on that he looks like a corpse. You'd think he would have handlers who would catch that.
My first week of school up here is done (I skipped the real first week). I had my first class TAing yesterday. Went pretty well. I think I'll enjoy it even if I do have to work a bit hard, and besides, there's a bunch of cute girls in it. I literally have a couple of hundred books to read in the next couple of...
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Oh, you'll totally meet so many people teaching. I guess its kind of hard to distinguish between the teacher/student/friend thing though. Sounds like you're keeping yourself busy, so thats good! And a free Ipod is totally awesome, no question.

PG... wow. heh. You're so far away now. frown
I finally moved up to Prince George. I got a little studio apartment that is actually pretty nice. I start my teaching assistant job next week and it looks like it will be good. Alot of work too, but that's alright. TAing for two classes while taking two of my own is going to keep me pretty busy. Now I just need to meet some...
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Hey, welcome to PG. The Iron Horse is a good place for a drink sometimes. Have fun!
I passed the non-restricted firearms test today. That means I can buy and possess rifles and shotguns. Now that I've passed that test I can take the restricted firearms test so that I can legally buy and possess handguns as well. I'm pretty excited about that.
Dude that's awesome. I own a shotgun but I'm not registered... my grampa used to take me to the gun range a lot when I was a kid. I remember it being a lot of fun. I still have the dime I shot off of a fence from about 30ft away when I was about eight years old. Young guns!
I saw the doctor last week and I'm still not allowed to put any weight on my leg for at least another month and a half. I'm really hoping that I can walk by December. 3 months is plenty long enough to not be able to walk. Plus, moving to a new city where I don't know my way around would be a real pain...
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OK, so I renewed my membership finally. I'm currently stuck in Clearwater at my childhood home. I shattered my leg at the end of August and now I'm stranded around the house until December. At least I still have the internet, albeit on a dial up connection. That's what you get when you liive in the middle of nowhere.
i can sympathize. i spranied my ankle in september, and i live in the middle of nowhere too. at least we have naked bitches.

thank you for the comment on my set...i'm glad you liked it. kiss
do you really have diabetes? my brother has it. i hate it.
Looks like my time here has come to an end. Just got an email from SG saying my credit card can't cover the bills this time, so until I strike it rich, ciao, it's been fun.
....aaand you're back. I knew you couldn't stay away from SG long!
Birthday wishes from Jonny Bones? My birthday is complete. love
First off thanks to those who wished me a happy birthday, it was. So I got a new computer. Well new to me anyway. I made the switch from PC to Mac. I just got everything installed, up and running. So far so good. Goodbye adware, viruses and crashes, I won't miss you at all.
At the Central, hey? Maybe I'll stop in sometime. smile
Well, the prospects for me being accepted to the Master's program I want to get into look good. It looks like I'll begin by taking a course in May, and then get fully into the swing of things next September. The course in May is somewhat of a test run because I do not have a degree in Political Science which is what I am...
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Awesome, congratulations, Jonny! But what is there to do in the Queen Charlotte Islands? tongue I guess you don't need any distractions from school, anyway. Happy Birthday, by the way. I'll have a drink in honor of you turning old tonight. wink
Happy Birthday, man!!!