I can't remember how I found this site now, but I am so glad I did. I've been looking for something like this for a while. A site that features the kind of girls I hang out with in clubs and rock shows-smart, sexy, fun, good taste in music, diverse....

I took a look at the gallery and decided what the heck, I'll join for...
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So, um...dang..another Halloween come and gone. I never thought I'd hear myself utter the phrase, "I think there are too many Catholic school girls". Man alive, seems like every other girl had this costume on on Friday night. Yeah, okay...when your biggest complaint is seeing too many drunk girls in plaid skirts making out, I guess that's not too bad whatever

You have to like this holiday because it's the one time of the year that every woman let's that SG inside her out and dares to bust out the fishnets and fetish gear, or walk the streets in a French maid costume ...grrllll.

The coolest costume I saw was a woman in a white shirt, black pants, black bob cut wig with a big hypodermic sticking out of her chest and a big bloodstain. I was walking past and it clicked...Uma from Pulp Fiction. Very cool, very easy and very clever. They don't sell imagination at Hot Topic tongue

I figured out a great costume the day before, but it was too late to put together. I wanted my date to go as a sexy white tiger and I was going to go as the unfortunate half of Siegried and Roy...complete with scars and claw marks across my ripped shirt. We ended up doing the Matrix costumes..not bad. Ah, next year I'll do something really cool.

Treehouse of Horrors tonight!

So, what was the coolest thing you saw or did? skull skull
you should write new journals rather than just posting to yourself!!! use the "edit prefrences" option in the upper right.

and yes, gov schwarenzkjfiaosnlkf is spooky indeed.