Anybody have some sort of form to start a resume? I gotta get outta this place, if it's the last thing I ever do......

Other than the whole anxiety problem and the usual hating of the job, things are good. Jimmy gets surgery on his foot the end of July. I'm sure it will be fine. I thought I had some job prospects but I'm...
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Keep your head up, things will turn around! smile kiss
ps Resume Deluxe doesn't cost much, and it does it all for you.
Anxiety, it's a bitch. I spent yesterday worrying if I would have a job today. My chest is hurting, no sleep last night. I'm going to break down at any minute. I don't know why I'm like this. I want to quit worrying, but I can't. HELP!!! frown
oh hey...Happy Birthday
Totally man even before I was into pantera I was very sad to hear of Dimebag Darell's passing, r.i.p. indeed. mind if I add ya? Maybe you can also help edjucate me on the majesty of Pantera
Hello all!!!

Friday the thirteenth Wifey is getting her gall blatter removed. She reads this on a regular basis and I would love for her to get some get well soon wishes from you guys!!

Thanks in advance!!!

Still hoping to meet some of you. smile
awww! surgery is never fun. frown Hope all is well, and I hope she has a speedy recovery!

I will be having Friday, Jan. 20th off, and will be at Longworth's to see Forehead. Not sure what kind of restrictions your wife will have, but if possible, you guys should come!! smile
hahaha. Yes.
All is great!!! Thanks for all the thoughts!!! I love the community here.

I got the new DVD, need to finish watching it. I also bought a new rockumentary Metallimania. It's awesome!!!

Me and Wifey hope to meet some people from here. It's hard to get time!!! smile

Take care all!!! smile
HEY!! I'm still here smile Where have you been?
If you havent commented in SGKY yet you better do it because Pyrate is kicking people out who hasnt done it yet!
Trying to ween myself off my anxiety meds, efexor. Anyone else ever done this? I think I feel better, or do I ?!

How was everyone's weekend? Mine was good. I got Wifey something she wanted for sweetest day, she was excited!!! Went out with a friend of mine Friday night. It was fun. Some friends came over Saturday night, fell asleep!! Went to Sam...
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Ooooooo... Good luck, Sweetie.
I'm a mess without my meds, and the times I've taken myself off of them have NOT been fun. Are you talking to your doctor about it or just doing it on your own? Be careful, please!!! My best thoughts are with you.
How's life? How's wifey?
Hope you're well, Darlin.
Hey man your wife drag races??!! That's pretty fuckin' hot! eeek love I love chicks that push limits. Is she on here too?

And as for the meds. I took myself off of every kind I've taken. Efexor XR, Paxil, Zoloft, Wellbutrin. None of them was a good time; but all I suffered was mild mood swings, irratibility, and bad head aches. I didn't take them for anxiety though so you should be careful. I've heard that the attacks can be worse some times. Why do you feel the need to get off them?

Don't mean to be too personal-- Just getting to know my fellow friend. You are on my list of people that I need to get to know. I was just wondering because after struggling with my problems and getting the meds and coping with adjusting to them and trying other brands and doses I found that none of them really helped me at all. I'd feel better for about a month or two then the feelings would come back. That's why I weened myself off. Hope it all goes well, and if you need to talk you know where I am biggrin
I feel so overwelmed, not enough of me to go around. I'm losing my hold on sanity. I'm slipping into a daily grind that I don't like at all. I'm afraid of failure in my current employment positions. My job seems to entail more and more everyday. When do they realize I'm only one man, multi-tasking multi-tasking. The last straw is about to be placed...
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I'm sorry not to accept your friend request. I generally don't accept people unless I know them in real life, or I've interacted with them on the site for quite awhile. I really try to keep up with everyone's journals, and it's tough if the list gets too long. Bookmark me?
I believe it was 1981 that the Zs had both listed. Technically, the engines said Nissan for years. I know my first engine (a '77) said Nissan, and the current one (a '79) does, too.

There are no other Datsuns in my life right now (the boy drives american cars - he's got a '76 Camaro and a couple of ford trucks), but I went to a prom in high school in a 510, and in 1999, my ex-boyfriend and I sent his mechanic father down to SoCal to help us buy a '71 240. It was beautiful, deep turquoise with a body kit. We spent $4500, and four days later, the brakes failed going about 8mph, the car jumped a curb, and the frame rail (which had rusted because the car had been on the beach for 20 years) ripped off the car. we used the car for parts, but basically it cost us over $1000 per day to own the damn thing. My ex was devastated, but his dad and I spent $1200 on a '77 280 that didn't run, and swapped the heads to get the thing rolling. It was black, and dinged all over. It is the car that I now own. (When we broke up, the ex said he was getting a Camaro, so I bought the car a second time...)
Well I finally got a good guy hired for my body shop, then his old job upped the ante by 25 grand a year. WOW, can't compete with that. mad Back to square one. The weekend isn't coming fast enough. frown
Congratulations on your anniversary!! I hope the party went well and all........

And when new people notice me I tend to go through and read all their journals that I can. Wierd me surreal You know just to get a feel of who you are and what I've been missing. And as for feeling down about people not noticing you on here, just hang in there. It seems like if you want to make real friends you've just got to give people time and sort out all the riff-raff. ARRR!!!
Boss is back. frown
Wifey's aunt died last week, had family at our house, it was nice. Got to see some of my favorite realatives from my wifes side of the family. The aunt who died had cancer. She put up a good fight and I think was tired of fighting. I think she was 63. The evening of the lay out was crazy. Some of...
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you around still? lol. we both need to update. huh?
thanks babe--the only dates I'd be able to make, though, would be the acoustic ones, either Sundays or Tuesdays. Tuesdays would be good, because A-I'm usually off, B-my buddy Sara is usually off, and C-her brother is one of the guys that owns the Straus Haus. smile VERY good times I think could be had.

Tony situation....hmmm. Well, he's still married. And he's making no moves whatsoever on finding a new place to live, talking to a lawyer, getting shit together. I don't know. I just get frustrated. And to make matters worse, he never stays at my house anymore, and I obviously can't go to his. I've pretty much only gotten to see him at work the past week. It sucks. He's off work today, so am I, but this is his only day off, and he has a lot of stuff to do. So, he probably has no time for me, and I'm down in the dumps. I am on a cleaning whirlwind, though. whatever
Boss is on vacation. AWESOME!!!! smile smile smile

Found a member on here I went to high school with!!! Met her a long time ago and always wandered where she went! She moved back here recently and hopefully we can hang out again!!! Hi Lori!!!

Everything is pretty good, take care everyone!!!
sorry babe! I've been kidnapped just about every day after work for like 5 days straight! smile

I've been having a blast, sleeping with my honey, and fitting in doing random things with him if we have time (we went to the Richwood Flea Market today so he could get a CB antenna....its friggin' huge). I've been working my ASS OFF! Worked Tues.-Monday, off Tuesday, then worked Wed-Tonight (sunday). I NEED SOME TIME OFF! But work is ok when I'm makin' lots of dough and seein' some cuteness. smile

DAMNIT! Sucks that I missed Straus Haus---my friend Sara, the blonde thats in my profile pic w/ me, her brother is one of the owners of that place and we used to hang out there regularly. GRR TO WORKING WEEKEND NIGHTS! mad

We'll figure something out someday....
I am absolutely fuckin' pissed off!!!! mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad
ARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! mad

I tried to find you on myspace. I found your little wifey, and pic of your boys, but no you. confused
frown i sorry.....whats going on?
What's up, yall? Me? Waiting for the weekend. This weekend my sister and her husband came over with they're kids, it was cool. One of my best friends is under house arrest over some total bullshit. Hope it all blows over. My life seems good overall. Wifey grilled out for us this weekend. She is awesome!!! Had a fire in the fire pit over the...
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