Im trying to stretch my ears.. im stretching them with a 12 gauge taper right now.. i just bought some new 10 guage tapers off ebay..
if anyone has any 10 or lower tapers they dont want/need anymore, ill be happy to take them off your hands smile

Let me know!
Whoo hOooo.. school is canceled already for tomorrow!

Yeahhhhh bitches!!!

i think teachers are more excited about snowdays than kids..
Merry Christmas!!

skull skull skull
i was suppose to be that way because chris was suppose to take em. that got screwed up and i completely forgot because after work i got hit with the joy of the holiday.
my head is scrambled with being pregnant, em, and whatever nonsense decides to happen day to day.
if you want to let anyone else look through first thats ok. i coould be back that way thursday. ill email you my number if you are home just let me know.
The Lia Sophia jewelry party is still going to take place at my house this thursday at 7 pm.

if you need directions, just message me!
Okay, I have a ton of shirts but they are all packed, haha. I am moving in afew days. when I find the shirts, I shall take photos and send them to you or something. =]
so rob wanted to have his friends brother who he grew up with marry us. come to find out he cant...and we are getting married on the 15th, this month.
so i was wondering if jason could do it, and if he could how much would it cost. and i would definately need you guys to bring jamey so he and em could play.
I think it's absolutely lovely!! I'm glad you decided to get it with the wings and crossbones. I hope you don't mind but, I read a few of your previous blogs and you shouldn't feel bad at all. The cost of taking care of a sick pet is hunormous. I had a rat that was always sick and it cost alot of money for me to take her to the Vet. Which was the only one in the entire area that would see Ratties... But, you do what you CAN do, there isn't anymore to it than that.

wow! it's cute. biggrin

ha! i would babysit but i'm working tomorrow frown ugh. i hate this job.
The weekend was fun. Jamey and I went up north to hang out with the family. it was so hoooooooooottttt..
my 2 year old neice wanted to put sunscreen on me in the morning so i let her... she only got my lower left leg.. i ended up going swimming and then laying out for a few minutes.. well, my white legs that never see...
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yes! we will have to hang out for sure!
very nice ms. looks great! I got some new stuff again too.

so what/ when is the next????
I finally grew some balls and got my first tattoo today! I LOVE it!
I had my friend Cezar tattoo 5 various sized black outlined stars all over my upper arm. it took almost 2 hours. It didnt feel great but it was a walk in the park when compared to giving birth. i no longer have virgin skin..
i bet you look hot with balls!!! eeek shocked biggrin
post pics!
Someone is supposed to be coming by to pick up Jameys bedding set. I was tired of the jungle baby theme Jason is kind of mad because I only used it for a year. I think he is afraid im going to ask him to repaint the bedroom! hahaha!
Im going to have a skateboard theme in his room. The only problem is I need...
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That's cool, what/ where are you getting? You'll do fine. think about it this way, you have a child, it can't be even close to like that. tongue It's not actually that bad thought and aftger is like a sunburn.

Have fun!
Happy Mutha's Day to all of you motha fuckers..

I tried to take full advantage by having jason make me breakfast, change every diaper of Jamey's today, and then go out and get me a Diary Queen Blizzard... yummy..

i so deserved this day.. i wish it wouldnt end..
<3 thanks
lets get together soon.
why....? whhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy do they have to keep changing things around here..
emmercyn is miserable frown i was hoping that it would clear up. she was fine early when she woke up but now shes freaking out again. and on top of it they gave her shots. so that isnt making it any better. actually yesterday was probably the worse day of her life. she even fell off the bed and has a bruise now. frown

im going out tonight. leaving her with chris. if you want to do something then. or tomarrow if she is feeling better. cross fingers.
I went to the YMCA today after work with my neighbor to work out

.. i was loud and obnoxious.. so, basically, i was myself..

i was surprised i didnt get kicked out..

it was fun..
that sounds like fun. I wanna play! biggrin