"Running on Empty" by Jackson Browne

Looking out at the road rushing under my wheels
Looking back at the years gone by like so many summer fields
In sixty-five I was seventeen and running up one-o-one
I don't know where I'm running now, I'm just running on

Running on - running on empty
Running on - running blind
Running on - running into the sun...
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Sometimes I think, instead of transhumanizing, I would settle for an unimpaired memory and some sense of time.

i'm with you on that...i'm also much more interested in the ontological aspects of the project. i'm thinking that distibuted memory is the best to develope a sense of self based on where we are, rather than narative and linear thought, which i think have a symbiotic relaionship to narcissism. but, i dunno!

are you in the futurism group on here? there are some clever ideas in there. i don't participate nearly as much as i'd like...

i can't wait for the day when i'm so completely heartbroken that i can't move. then i will be a real person. hahah. =)

oh i love cbc radio. stuart maclean is awesome. i almost creamed myself when he came to my city. =) there isn't much in canada in the radio land. but we have lots of trees.

female attention is good. i'm even questioning that. i think i might just cut off any sort of sexual/emotional relationship. i know that doesn't sound healthy. but for the moment i'm bitter and fed up.
"Man on the Corner" by Genesis

See the lonely man there on the corner,
What hes waiting for, I dont know,
But he waits everyday now.
Hes just waiting for something to show.

And nobody knows him,
And nobody cares,
cos theres no hiding place,
Theres no hiding place - for you.

Looking everywhere at no one,
He sees everything and nothing at all -...
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i thoroughly enjoyed this entry smile
hope your friday night is more eventful than mine
"Stupid Marriage" by The Specials

Court in session.
What do you mean
'Oy oy oy'? Must have court in session.
Order. My name is Judge Roughneck,
And I will not tolerate any disobedience in my courtroom.
Rude boy, you have been brought in
Front of me and charged
With smashing this woman's window.
Before I sentence you,
What have you got to say in your...
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That happened to me too, for ages I couldn't stand the taste/smell of alcohol (spirits anyway), and for no particular reason. Getting used to it again now. I will try and get that sake, maybe I could get some online.. haven't seen anywhere around here that sells it.

I like the Specials.
*laughing* Yeah, that was some nice smiley work, You!! And I'm glad you found those hits. The good thing about places like amazon is that they also have links for used books. I miss the days spent wandering around dusty, dark, old secondhand bookstores, being spied on by the owner's cat, as I search for hidden Henrys. wink
"Look! No Strings!" by Chumbawamba

Look, no strings--just paper, glue, and card
Hark, the angels sing 'Paste the Lord'
That was the Armley tabernacle choir. Next we'll be hearing the true story of an American housewife who claims to have taken mid-air photographs of Jesus Christ in the skies of Indiana.
High above the streets and houses
Misses Meta Battle, with one hand on the...
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Hey, Jake. No, I'm sorry I don't know any full-text online resources for Cendrars. Your friend can find some reprints at amazon (Moravagine, poems, etc), and if s/he's lucky, he should try powells, abebooks, and alibris.
hehe, for a second there i read that as "fucking Christs Sake" ;o

No, it was the almost the size of an average wine bottle, Sawanotsuru. I will have a look for what you're talking about, sounds interesting smile
[I am way two drunk already, but ...]

OK, four hours until New Year. Shall I go out and flirt scandalously with young women more than a decade my junior, or shall I sit around in my housepants?...

OK, naive college gals it is...

Fortune help 'em!
Oh, yeah, I remember everything Henry wrote. My favorite is in Quiet Days in Clichy, when he's at Elaine's for dinner, and he describes the madness of her kids and the space, and she sets the table, and he writes, "...the spoons were worn from too much washing." I don't know why, but fuck all - that is so intensely beautiful...that whole moment - god, that whole book! It's always a joy to meet another fan of HM's. Happy New Year! skull
how did your new years eve debauchery go?
i had a blast....good people, good music, good drugs, hahah. i might post some pictures tomorrow. it was a costume party. smile
"Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" by John Lennon & Yoko Ono

So this is Xmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Xmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young

A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one...
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OK, four hours until New Year. Shall I go out and flirt scandalously with young women more than a decade my junior, or shall I sit around in my housepants?...

OK, naive college gals it is...

Fortune help 'em!
"Oh Yoko!" by John Lennon
[arrangement by Jake Marley]

In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night I call your name
Oh Nerri, oh Nerri, my love will turn you on

In the middle of the bath
In the middle of the bath I call your name
Oh Nerri, oh Nerri, my love will turn you on
My love will turn...
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Well it does snow in new mexico, just not really in Albuquerque. It's something more like slush in the city.
Really disgusting in my eyes.

I don't know why ghosted would sound famillar. I'm ghost on pretty much everything internet related. Myspace, lj, 'other sites'. That would be the only thing I could think of.
Its a good idea, but I've sold a lot of the Lip Service stuff I had already..will be getting more, but it won't be until the new year :/
bear in mind i've only just started the business, it needs to get going more and have more of a choice before it's worth doing gift certificates. Shouldn't be tooo long hopefully, so I'll let you know, perhaps could do it for her birthday or something?
"Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" by John Lennon & Yoko Ono

So this is Xmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Xmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young

A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one...
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"007 (Shanty Town)" by Desmond Dekker

At ocean eleven
And now rudeboys have a go wail
'Cause dem out of jail
Rudeboys cannot fail
'Cause dem must get bail

'Dem a loot, dem a shoot, dem a wail
A Shanty Town
Dem a loot, dem a shoot, dem a wail
A Shanty Town
Dem rudeboys get a probation
A Shanty Town
And rudeboy...
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p.s. that's really sad about the mowing! frown
Sigh, I'd love to see some snow.
In my neck of the woods its all dirt, so when it gets cold its just grey dirt.
GOP to Strike Arctic Drilling From House Bill

By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, November 10, 2005

"House GOP leaders agreed last night to strip plans to permit oil drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and in the offshore continental shelf from a $54 billion budget-cutting measure, probably securing the votes to pass the bill today.

"The move is a blow to...
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heh, i keep missing you on IRC every time
thank god, it's a relief to see some positive news for a change.

oh yeah and i would never kid about tofurkey! tofurkey is my friend!! love love