She's posting all the time, but the boards are down.
It's a burned out building.
He's spending all his time on his back
Staring at the ceiling.

They spend themselves that way
I'm with that, I'm with them.

Come on, You arent. you are,.... Alive, Dammit.

Gnawing on the prey.
I think about you some.
Where to put you all. backed up data for the...
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smile saw starwars last night, they had a red r2d2 remote controlled robot, it was pretty awesome, some chick looked like leia, and some dude in the rebel pilot clothes, that orange jumpsuit with the helmet and shit.

I really liked the movies, my friends didnt. fuck them.
yay!!! Star Wars I must go soon

I'm not sure how you knew my name to add me as a friend though, but oh well ... Hello
I was rather disappointed in this movie, to tell the truth. The dialogue was horrible (Obi-Wan to Padme: "he's killed...YOUNGLINGS!"), and so was the plot point with Padme. I get that she's rather depressed over the fact that her husband tried to kill her. But this is what I don't get: She dies because she lost the will to live, despite the fact her dying words proclaim that she still believes there's good in Anakin, and she has two babies she loves (though obviously not enough to want to live).

Am I missing something here? Or did Lucas resort to his usual tactic of saving all the good dialogue for a few key scenes (Ian McDiarmid really was the star of the film, and his were the best lines of the whole film) while leaving the rest of the movie little more than eye candy. Which, by the way, was ample. Not a bad thing, but let's face it I'll take the puppet version of Yoda over the CGI one any day.

Overall, I liked the film for how it tied up all the loose ends but the crap dialogue and the weak story really prevented me from enjoying it as much as I would have liked.

I give it a C+ for action and SFX, but take those away and I give it a D-.
its only been like 38 hours since i last slept and Im already seeing colors
hot shit, i haven't deprived myself of sleep in ages. it's weird because once you get over that 24 hour hump, you start to question "is it really necessary to ever go to sleep again?"

i haven't seen the rocco film where he stuffs someone's head in the toilet but i imagine it's gotta be awesome. watching his shit is the only time i start wondering is this legal? can we call this exploitation? the guy just shoved his cock in the chick's butt with only one sorry ass wad of spit and i know that grimace she made was not saying "oh yeah" but more like "what the fuck dude!"
i don't really know any places to drink in east providence...i usually stay close to home. sorry, i can't help you. you should get some sleep!

I can play the bongos and the harmonica. If I like you I make it obvious, if i dont, same. Im chill, probably pretty normal if being fucking crazy is normal to you, I prefer it that way.

Im really the nicest mother fucker you will ever meet, no joke, it takes about a week to get my sense...
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