My bed is so soft and comfy and warm right now. I'm loving it.

So the girl mentioned in the previous blog has had an awful week, and I offered to cook dinner for her and try to make it suck less. Naturally, she agreed. Sometime this week.

My question to you is: what should I make? I tried a recipe for pork wellington (pork...
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I agree, Pancakes!
Yeah, not kebabs, and I wouldn't actually go for pasta tbh. I think it has the connotation of being a 'lazy' cook's food, even when that's not the case (i.e. a great homemade mac n cheese which took a couple hours to prep & make...). I don't think you *can* go overboard when cooking for a girl. Just keep it simple & make sure you don't try to act as if anything's fancier than it is. Be nonchalant haha. I think steak might be a good option actually. Or maybe some kind of chicken dish? Chicken is always easy enough but when done right can look classy.
And B&B pudding might be a little...heavy. I would probably wanna sleep after eating all that, not fuck, so I think you should go for something more 'fun' & sexy for the dessert. Maybe something you can make together, or something that requires assembly? And preferably something a bit messy wink But also light enough that she's not gonna feel the need to heave when she's bouncing straddled above you later :p
Sorry if I seem like a total Debbie Downer but that's just my input smile
Annnnd life goes on. Met up with a girl I've had a thing for, for quite a while. We actually almost had a threesome when my ex and I were together, but she wasn't really attracted to my ex. A few pitchers of beer later and I left her house at 4:30am after making out and some hands in some places. It was very nice....
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I have many friend across the country...these are the once left from childhood...we dont get to see each other much but when we do its like we've never been apart.
Also are you saying the person I called when I was at my lowest and hadn't called in about a year isn't my best friend either smile

He travelled 300 miles to make sure I was ok. smile

Time and distance mean nothing honestly means everything.
I think the hardest part about this is how much of a rollercoaster I am right now. I'll be fine, and all of a sudden she'll pop into my head and put me in a completely foul mood. Just out of the blue. I hate that I can sink into these bad moods and bad places so quickly.
<3 <3 <3
Finally told my ex how I feel: that I would have never, ever, have done to her what she did to me. That breaking up with me when we were both in love with each other, just to go fuck around with this other guy because she was attracted to him, felt like she bailed on our relationship without even trying to fix it. That...
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lots and lots of hugs.
You did the right thing babe. And I know exactly what you're going through, we're in the same boat right now... sending all the love and hugs and support your way right now... I'm proud of you for steppin up and having the guts to say what needed to be said and get it all off your chest. If you ever need anything, you know how to find me. xo
How long does it take to get over this stuff? I'm sick of feeling that sinking feeling in my gut all the time.
Mending a broken heart isnt going to be a swift process hunny. Im sorry, thats not what you want to hear. You'll get through it, you have friends who love you to bits.
Takes a while.
So, after dating a girl with small boobs for 10 months, I've decided my next girl needs to have big boobs. I've had big, I've had small, I've had areas in between, and I like big.

And a nice ass.
girls with big boobs are awesome, and im not bias. biggrin
i'm not stunning. you are silly. LOL
On top of the whole thing with my girlfriend, or ex girlfriend I suppose, which is still a major source of emotional confusion and turmoil for me, my grandmother died today.

I got to watch them try and revive her with CPR in the ICU of the hospital. I got to watch my mom touch her after she was dead, and cry about not having...
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Camus was right: life can be absurd, but that's also one of the things which makes it worth living, and life should be polarizing at times... it's like someone putting a calibration card up in front of the camera lens to make sure you're still on the right settings.

Saul Bellow once said: ''Death is the dark backing a mirror needs if we are to see anything'', and I think this is very true. Death is the one fact we have (ironically it is the thing which drives many of us to live prosperous, fulfilling lives), yet it is always a sobering, often unpleasant one.

It is so sad to read this, and my thoughts are with you and your family.

I'm sorry for your loss Jaceface... and if I was there you would be getting more cuddles than you could handle. Stay strong, and I'm here for you if you need anything. xo
This most recent episode with the girl has really been eye opening for me.

I've had a single serious relationship and a series of not-so-serious ones in my life. The serious one lasted 3.5 years, 2.5 of which we lived together. By the end of it neither one of us was happy with the situation or with the other person, and the decision to end...
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What you doing for xmas? wink
Everything you say about keeping healthy boundaries and taking things 'slow' all sound like a good idea to me, and also hard to do when you are an emotional person and find clicking with people easy...
Maybe a long distance type of fuck buddy is the way to go? Able to get affection and sex, without commitment, and the distance could be enough for you to remind yourself to not talk to them every day and keep things slow and casual.

So, in light of what happened recently, I suddenly felt the need to reconnect with a dear friend of mine. We actually met on AOL back when we were both like... 16. But we got really close, as close as you can get that way I guess, and we've actually remained really close. We don't talk often, but when we do, we fall right...
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Glad to hear it darlin wink keep smilin
Well considering it'll probably be a woman....if she's cute, I might just make it extra extra special! lol
It's really hard when you didn't do anything wrong, but the person you love chooses someone else over you. It's getting easier to deal with as time goes on, but I'm still losing sleep over it.

i'm sorry. i hope to reach the easier to deal with part eventually. really makes me never want to commit to anyone ever again. 1/4 of my life was spent with him. fuck.

anyways i love you. it's her loss.
frown kiss
Ex-girlfriend is now driving to LA with her new guy for the weekend. Did I mention they're co-workers?

Did I also mention that this new guy is her roomate's boyfriend (or ex-boyfriend, I guess)?

Did I also mention that my ex is the one who set them up a few months ago?

Excuse me while I spend the whole weekend drunk.
what MDF said
oh, God. call me.
Oh, awesome. I love being cheated on. This just keeps getting better. Thanks for leaving yourself logged into Google Voice so I could accidentally see those text messages where he called you "babe" and you said it would be hard to not see him for two days. I was trying to save on text messaging by setting up the Google Voice app, and instead I...
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Holy crap what a bitch....

So sorry.
that is horrid, but at least you know she was a two timer. cut all that noise out of your life. you deserve much better. <3 and *hugs*