Well... let's put it this way. While Terminator Genysis was pretty much spoiled by the commercials. Does it make it any less of a fun movie? Yes and no. It's a mixed bag of emotions. I was horribly disappointed with the spoilers. Much of the movie was rehashed Terminator 2 and Terminator 1. There are no similarities to the characters outside Arnold who is old...
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When someone asks to name one of my favorite bands, I say "My Favorite."

I usually get the response, "Sure, what's your favorite?"

Me: "My Favorite"

Person: "Yes, your favorite."

Me: "No, My Favorite."

Person: "Are you putting me on?"

Me: "I'm not being condescending... My Favorite is a band."


It's reminds me of a time when i was young and my dad would quiz us on bands. "guess who?" um "who" "no guess who"  "um what  the who?" , "no guess who"... lol

Just got my CCW Permit! Trading off my Glock for an XD45 service model. Keeping my Sig.

Sweet though I'm definitely a Ruger girl over here... In AZ we don't need a CCW since they believe in constitutional carry, but I'd like to be able to travel and make it easier if I move, so I'm sending my packet out soon! *bang bang*
Very cool! My sister has the Ruger SR9, and I actually really like it! I'm not a fan of the magazine safety though. What one do you have? Are you getting a Utah or a different state permit? 
On my first day off from work in almost 7 months. I beat Mass Effect 3.... not sure how I feel.... O.o
Got rid of all my gear. It's nice to have a little money in the pocket.
Had an offer from a publisher, but they declined upon asking me to change the ending. :/ There are others.
SO I FINALLY AFTER TWO YEARS HAVE FOUND THAT SONG THAT'S BEEN STUCK ON MY MIND. turned out it was a Stone Temple Pilot song.... how could I have been that stupid... o.O