I dig the tie clip. 

What is it about me that people become so vulnerable to me in a single night? We hang out for some assumed sexy times, but I just don't operate like that. I need to slow down. I'm very inexperienced with sex. I can't just sleep with you without knowing you. Sex to me is a physical bond that connects our souls.

So we end up...
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I had a dream that I was hitting too close to home. Woke up at 4 am in a cold sweat. I wish sex wasn't so weird for me. I get super nervous for a lot of different reasons.

This girl is kinky which is the type of girl I need, but I'm just afraid she'll see something scary in me that I can't take...
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Six years ago my best friend passed away. The thought of being friends as older kids versus high school kids is something I will forever long for. You were robbed from us, and we miss you still. Love you buddy, rip Chris Motes


I feel oddly honored that only in my whole time with SG and zero direct messages between @rambo and myself out of the thousands of followers she has show on her feed, she liked these two comments:

"If someone tells you you're putting too much peanut butter on, you don't need them or that kind of negativity in your life"

and I followed her lettuce...
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Haha, you rule!