You are handed a camera and are allowed to take only four pictures. What are the four pictures which you take?
Welcome to Wednesday everyone. I feel pretty good today thank you for asking. smile I think after work my brother and I are going to Chama River (Old Blue Corn) for some beers. MMMMM.... Beeeeerrr.... It's really nice. So any one want to meet up with us there drop me line. Hum.... Let me see. I really want to go clubbin' bad. Maybe this weekend. If...
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I actually had a productive night. I did a mix cd. I do one about once a month. I don't know why really. I don't sell them and I give them away occasionally. So if you want one let me know. I also played Playboy on the Xbox. What a fun game. Also if any of you can help me get added to the SGNM...
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For a moment, nothing happened.Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen. - Douglas Adams

It's Saturday. Happy Saturday. I'm actually trying to overcome my writers block and hanging out with my son who is yelling at Spongebob on his X-Box game. I think I need to start meditating again. My thoughts are scattered. I should be used to it by now. smile Oh well. Have a good weekend and be safe all.

Here it is Wednesday. Ahhh Wednesday. Another day. I had fun hanging out with wickedjuliet666 last night. Aside from that nothing really going on. Theme song for the day is "Just Another Day" - Oingo Boingo.
Online dating is a joke. They should call it online rejection. It's a faster way to get turned down. Ya know I'm a good person damnit. Why is it so hard to find a nice smart girlfriend?
Muse Wanted - Frustrated musician has had writers block for months.
WickedJuliet666 wanted me to update my fuckin' journal. I really have nothing to say because nobody will read this shit anyway. Ever get the feeling no one gives a flying fuck? I do all the time.