Last night I went out.
Tonight I shall stay in.
I went to a local vegan restaurant yesterday then frequented a local bar that I like to call my "second home".
Tonight I'm in bed with Salem's Lot and Goji berry tea.

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attending bartending school in NYC. Anyone have any experiences with bartending school, finding bartending jobs in NYC, etc?

What I would do if I were you and if it's something you're really interested in is I would go to several bars in your area (when it's not busy, of course) and ask the bartenders how they got started, if they went to school for it, and if they had any tips for you. 
Thank you!! I just don't live in an area as economically rich as NYC and no where near the volume, so bartending school to bartend around here wouldn't be useful nor needed at all. T_T

It's bittersweet…but mostly sweet. I did miss my friends, my stomping ground, smoking cigarettes, the weather changing, my own bed. I was relegated to sharing an air mattress with my mother for two weeks. On the "con" side: I miss my niece and brother and grandmother.
I'm also glad to be back writing on here hopefully daily. Another 3 months and 3 weeks until my...
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I'm homeward bound tomorrow morning so I'll be back to writing daily on here! But anyone is welcome to follow me on Instagram, I post a few pictures daily of my random little life. IG: carpenoctvm

xxoo lindsay/Idril

Thank you lovely lady! ^_^
So beautiful!