I just paid a ticket for running a stop sign. Boo.

I'm obsessed with the Kingdom of Loathing. My character is in a clan led by Flux and populated by some SG members. I play it all day at work (there are so few calls, I get to spend most of my time fucking around on the Internet), I've actually thought out and developed...
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Wow, I don't update very often. I suck.

I got Mario Kart DS recently. Nice game. I like the download-play feature, so I can play with my friends (all two of them!). My brother was in town for the weekend, and we raced each other over and over again. Good stuff.

This coming spring break, I may be going to Jamaica with my cousin. It's...
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Guess I better shoot a Metroid set and apply to SG, requesting the name Samus. That would solve that. wink
The thing about jobs, dude, is that you always have to deal with at least one idiot. Even if you're working by yourself. biggrin
I present to you
my haiku adaptation
of Poe's "The Raven".

One cold, dark midnight,
while poring over my books,
I heard a knocking.

I was near asleep;
the sound startled me. I woke
and felt a cold fear.

I said to myself,
"It is just a visitor.
This, and nothing more."

It was December.
Dying embers in the hearth,
for the night was cold....
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Well done, you. smile
how the hell have I not noticed ANY of your recent updates? Seriously, I haven't noticed an update from you on my bookmarks link a month.

I don't trust it anymore.
The snow was pretty bad. It was packed, icy, slippery. It was kinda fun, though, to dodge all the twigs that were poking through. It just meant I had to stay off certain trails to avoid losing any limbs.
The mom unit and I are going on a ski trip. Next week. In Colorado.

See ya, suckers.
This from the guy still going on vacation with mommy. wink
Say wha?!

Hey! Get back here!

Little Eric continues to fascinate. One of his Christmas gifts was a plastic box with different shapes cut in the sides - circle, star, triangle, square - and four shaped blocks to push into the box. When the baby puts a block through, the box plays music, triggered by the vibration. Well, Eric didn't quite get that far, but he did figure out that hitting...
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Yeah, I think my very excited expression vs. Annie's laid-back smile is really what makes it obvious. Like another commenter said, it's clearly a celebrity shot. You just have to look at who's the more excited of the two smile

I figured out the DSL problem, it was as simple as holding in the reset button on the back of the router for a little while. When we first did it and put in my ISP username and password into the router's settings, it didn't work, but as I suspected, mom had just typed my password incorrectly. I'm on DSL once again, hurrah! biggrin

The other day, an old friend from high school text-messaged me out of the blue. I haven't heard from this guy in a year or two, and suddenly he wants to hang out. How about that? So we got together at his apartment, where he and his boyfriend live. We Played Trivial Pursuit and X-Men 2. It's good to see an old friend again.
it was nice meetin you again
Glad you made it out to the party. Don't wait another year to hang out with us. wink
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK.

I missed open enrollment for benefits at work. Since I was already enrolled for medical benfits, I had just assumed I'd retain the same plan for the next year. NO. If you don't re-enroll, you don't get insurance. And you had to enroll in November.

That sucks hard.
i just had to come here to tell you that every time i see a comment from you i snicker cus i LOVE your screenname/handle/whatever you call it these days.

that open enrollment thing sucks. i have the same problem. i switched jobs in june and had benefits under my wife's coverage. she stopped working in the fall so i have to wait until next june to enroll now . the shitty thing is, i thought it was a matter of me choosing to not get them when i started with this company, but no, you can ONLY enroll in june. what if you start working in july? shitty...
Babies are amazing creatures. To be more accurate, babies within our own families are amazing creatures. Everyone else's babies are boring.

Eric, 9 months old now, is starting to stand up all by himself. He can pull himself up on a table or sofa and hold on with one hand. He's also crawling like a pro. It seems like 5 minutes ago when he couldn't...
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The Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers
THIS is my baby
My state hates gay people.

Texas' Proposition 2, "the constitutional amendment providing that marriage in this state consists only of the union of one man and one woman" -- also known as the "give the gay community a good solid kick in the balls" amendment -- has been made law by a 76% popular vote.

Sometimes I can't believe how fucking backwards people are around...
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Don't think the blue states are all they are cracked up to be. Oh, that's right I'm in a swing state. It just swung the wrong way when this was up for vote.
Look on the bright side. They didn't put yours up for vote during the presidential election just to get all the conservatives out to the poles.
EDIT: Looks like I won't be going camping with SGDFW this weekend.

Me too, but I have to leave at 10am the next morning. frown Stupid obligations.
Good to hear your coming out. I think camping will be fun.