I think it should be illegal to make people work on the day after Christmas. puke
Hah, I just saw that giant Jeebus in your pics... I remember driving by him last fall. Funneh. tongue
Geeez, I was beginning to wonder if I smelled err something... confused
Eheh... k, what's pretty funneh - you mentioned PDid's... a few months ago I was in search of a new scent - was sick of D&G - and this ladies showing me all the fragrances... when she's like "ok, now I'm gonna show you this but close your eyes"... (ummm okay) and she fluttered a tester which smelled really nice, sweet, maybe a little too summery but really appealing; I would definitely wear it sometimes... so I ask what it is and she gets a really weird look on her face and is uncomfortable telling me what it is... lookin around like we're doin' a drug deal... then she whispers, it's "Sean Comb's, you know? P Diddy." So we shared one of those mutual shocked, nodding, but we now understand one another moments. I think that's kinda how you're feelin'. heh. That was way too long a story considering the payoff... whatever

Call me gHay but I'll watch Clueless whenever it's on tv... I find it really entertaining.

I will find out who that artist is damnit... I'm on it.

You're waaaaay tooo excited about '07 from the sounds of it; lol. j/k... it's good to hear you're being optimistic. i'm trying to be that way too... I think it's going to be a year with alot of change for this guy which i'm stoked about.

The place in Puerto Vallarta looks beautiful! I like it alot... luv the little cabana by the pool; could picture that all lit up with candles and very romantic.

K, I'm off to run some errands.... talk to you soon Ambs! xo
I can't wait till December is over with!! I feel like all my time is spent spending time with family, socializing, going to x-mas parties and I just feel completely drained! On top of that I've been finishing up a lot of painting and I've been redecorating my bedroom and turning the spare (used to be just a storage) room into a guest room which...
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heh... ya, bacon tastes good but not that good. it would seem that whenver Sam goes to the butcher's and doesn't see anything she'd like, she feels obligated to buy something cuz they're so nice so bacon is the go-to item... hence the buildup. pleh.

yesh, have a Verry Merry Christmas Ambie, drink lots of nog... or just vodka. I know I'm going to... whatever


Spread the Cheer!

Heya Ambs smile

Christmas was nice... went to see my mom at her new house for a couple days and I'm up at our cottage now seeing my dad. I bought a really sik pair of $300 Armani shades in the spring that were stolen at that restaurant I painted a couple months ago so I ordered a couple pairs of sunglasses through my sister in the fall from Spy Optics for me and Sam so that was nice to get and my nano couldn't be fixed so my sister got me one of the new little shuffles which is actually really kewl cuz it has a little clip so I don't have to wear an arm band when I work out. I like it. (that previous sentence would get me arrested by the grammar police i think) confused Some good ol' cash from the 'rents was pretty unexpected but much appreciated too. So yeah, some clothes and other stuff... it was a good haul all around. wink

How are your holidays goin'? Did Santa bring all that your heart desired? I hope so.

Sam's left for Nirobe on safari this morning surreal Crazyshit.com

::slobbery kiss and slurry Happy New Years::

ooo aaa
ahahahahahahaaa... you're hilarious. video really sparked your interest did it. who would've thought castration "reduces or eliminates the risk of testicular cancer". Removal of your lungs would probably eliminate lung cancer too confused

i'm watching an awesome expose/documentary in bed. it's narrated by Woody Harrelson and is about the history of pot. They're showing tons of old actual footage of politicians and interviews, commercials and propoganda beginning back in the early 1900's till now... it's pretty unreal... funneh.

Yes I'm in bed. And I don't know how to make that little accent over the e so you say expose< properly. You better have said it properly in your head. ooo aaa

It looks sunny out my blinded window. warm. i hope we get that weather, i could use some sun on my face... and buns at that. whatever

This film looks at the last 100 years of marijuana use, culture, and legislation, compiled from 400 hours of archival footage. Narrated by the celebrity weed aficionado Woody Harrelson, whose very name in the credits will ensure a laugh from audiences. Grass was recently banned in Ontario because of a brief scene in which monkees and chimpanzees smoke pot.

Running Time: 80 minutes
Distributor: Unapix (USA), Lions Gate Films (Canada)

Cast: Woody Harrelson (narrator)

Director: Ron Mann
Screenwriter: Solomon Vesta

Long article about the film

I just saw that scene and it was disturbing and sad...
I just thought of that fat lady one size fits all dress I got you, lol. whatd'you ever do with it? make rags? tongue
I hate it when people say, as a greeting, "What do you know?"

I find it really really annoying.

I mean, what the fuck are you supoosed to say when someone says that to you.

Do these people actually expect you to start rambeling off a bunch a shit, like Well, did you know that An 1898 novel by Morgan Robertson foretold the sinking of...
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Its from accesorize, they have an online shop it you just look up on google!
how bout "nothing". it's an easy cop out whatever
I think my favorite part of the day is taking a shower. I have this pumpkin pie bodywash that i'm in love with. I also have this hair paste that looks and smells like grape taffy. I want to lick it everytime I open the jar. I think one day soon I just might try it....just because.

I went sheet shopping for my new KING...
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you almost said the "c" word shocked

you bad girl.
oh and...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm scotch.
Fanx Amb. smile How's yer painting lately? It was months ago last time you showed me some stuff...

The company I work for is having another go at a xmas party this year. The last one we had was several years ago and the police and fire department showed up, a few employees got in fist fights, a few people got almost completely neekid, and several people passed out at various places in the hotel (i.e. not their room). I work with mechanics...
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yes, it's true. i have several friends who grew up in and around cleveland -- some of whom worked at Great Lakes Brewing. my friend's mom in fact has worked there for about 10 years or so, i believe.

i cannot tell you how happy i am that the liquor store down the street from me carries Christmas Ale and other GLB beers.

have fun at your company xmas party. ours is usually after the holidays and involves me singing lots of karaoke.

tongue ARRR!!! tongue
Ugh. I loathe you. I have so much work to do... I just want to lay in bed; it's so cold.

...need coffee...
I like it that I can say whatever the fuck I want on here and no one knows me. Anyone could say to me "thats fucked up" or "Dope? are you fucking crazy?" but they dont....AND if they did it wouldnt matter. Things seem so crazy and distant when you dont really know the person. Who really knows anyone. We know pieces of people, but...
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k, I look like a stalker now confused

Happy Gobble Gobbles... I wish you happy stories/happenings this year compared to last... from what I remember.

You weirdo. I mean seriously, I like veggies and all... and yes, they EVEN come in handy in the bedroom... but they're just filler confused Meat's the good stuff tongue

I just found out a few days ago that white asparagus exists... I'm sure you knew this. I was somewhat awestruck kinda like watching Michael Richard's meltdown.

We had Thanksgiving over a month ago... earlier harvest.

They completely cut like 95% of the design focus out of the Opening Soon epis. last week... lame huh. I suck.

Spending all day waiting. Bored. Drinking Coffee. Typing. Sue keeps talking to me about things I don't care about. I wish everyone would just leave me alone while I'm working. More typing. My hand hurts. Probably The beginning of carpal tunnel. It's always the same hand. Why do the drivers all call me names like "sugar" and "babe"? Gosh that annoys me. 4:30 hits...
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Woah. eeek
puke = teh suck.

Halloween thoughts

I was at the grocery store on Sunday picking up some canned tomatoes and basil for a sauce I was making and many of the employees were dressed up in costumes. I went thru the self checkout and on my way out I passed a girl working there who was bagging groceries. She was dressed in the super short sexy nurse dress...
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Yeah, I had to stop a few times because of the rain. It was a light rain though. Have fun with the little brats. Hot rum and cider sounds yummy. Recipe?
I am so happy you liked the new Bailey set! You will find behind the scenes info in my Oct. 31st journal entry. So did you notice the burning car?