It appears my optimism was too early a few blogs back when I thought I had finally gotten a new job, since then I have had several interviews for the same position with different companies and each time the interviews have gone well. Yet none have been willing to offer me a place yet, so my mad science skills are still tucked away gathering dust,...
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I decided to watch a Russian news channel today to try and see things from another perspective. It seems to be even more one sided then what they are saying Western media is. I was surprised they are comparing Russia in Crimea to NATO in Kosovo, I didn't realise Ukrainians want to commit genocide against Russians.


My resolution this year was to improve my running so I can run a marathon without ending up as a 6 hour torture session like the one I did last year. I finally started training last week and I am surprised how well I am doing. After only a week I am managing a 15km almost daily run and today I finished it in 1...
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good for you! it's amazing what can you do when you put your head in it and make a rutine out of working. Good luck and keep it up :D

Every day for the last few weeks I have been reading the every news article about Ukraine hoping for some sign the world is changing but all I see each day is the same sadness.


It may be a little late for some but I got very drunk yesterday to cure my loneliness. The good news is it worked the bad news is I now have a killer headache.


I'm so sad that the Auckland show has been canceled, I was so excited when SG announced New Zealand was part of the tour. Then all of a sudden with no explanation at all they deleted the Facebook event and added another Australian show. I would have considered flying over to Australia just to see it but now I can't afford airfare on such short...
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Today is the anniversary of the annexation of my country by the British empire. Which was as simple as getting the natives to sign piece of paper which they could then spend the next 200 years fighting over what it actually said.

What does this mean to me? Pretty much nothing other then I get an extra public holiday which I can spend drinking and...
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I had another job it interview today and it went extremely well. It was with a recruiter though so I still need to impress the person I would be working for, so far I'm the only one who has made it this far though.

The job sounds both hard and exciting though so I really hope they give me a chance.

good luck!

I just finished reading Zorba the Greek. As with many great works it filled me with sadness at what it means to be human.


Down in the dumps at the moment because around Christmas time my body suddenly decided that I cant eat anything with gluten anymore. Well not really suddenly since its due to my genetics but I was hoping to put off giving it up for a few more years since my dad managed to keep eating till his 50's. It may not sound like a major...
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my doby decided the same some months ago U_U