Well kids its July 31st and that means two very important things.
1. Sharkweek is upon us!
2. I am only days away from my CST Instructor Certification.

It has been 10 months of hard training but I am there and all that hard work is about to be put to the test. I am thinking I may even need to come up with a...
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Ok shame on me for taking so long on getting my next post up. I just hate dropping my side crow pictures. biggrin At any rate things are going well and I have much to report.

First off the garden is going great. My melons are looking great, my squashes are massive, green beans are delicious and my tomatoes are almost ready to erupt upon me...
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Awesome! wink
garden looks awesome, goats are adorable!
glad to see you're doing well smile
Well its been about 11 days since my last post and I have been keeping busy. A lot to report and a lot done. Plus pictures! So lets get started.

On the training front I am doing great. I finished the Trial By Fire in under 30 minutes doing 100 swipes, 100 mills left and right and 100 hammer swings left and right. I've got...
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Thanks for your lovely comment on my set kiss
That video was great! Thanks for sending it to me smile Nice hand balancing too, I'm not quite there yet, but eventually.
Things are coming along down on the old homestead. I have Colbert's pen almost finished, just have to install the gate. I have the lid to my bee hive built and now all I need to do is paint it and wait for my hive gloves to arrive. New trees are planted and overall the orchard and garden is looking very happy. Gophers are of...
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Busy busy busy! Much to do and much to be done! I've planted another 10 blueberries, 5 currants, 5 black raspberries and 4 fruit trees. I also have cleared the weeds from about 1/2 of my orchard and mulched the trees. I've also got 4 of the 6 rows in my garden bed planted. As for today I have a fence to start and two...
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Yes!! I'm a total garden nerd, love to hear about this! I've been wanting to get some gojis for a while. Congrats on the new trees!!
Training is going well. I'm running up on the end of my TPH in August. I'm up to level 3 on FlowFit, Doing all 5 of the series A prasara yoga flows and doing about 100 reps over the Trial By Fire for a total of 500 repetitions. I'm feeling good and more confident about instructor certification.

On the home front the garden is looking...
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yay for that! and yay for yoga. and yay for that insanely cute baby goat. smile
Wow what a nice day. Fed my goats this morning, collected some guinea eggs and picked a bunch of fresh strawberries from my garden. I also found the first boysen berry of the season. My little herd is so cute and always so much fun just to watch. My garden is still a little more wild than I like but I will have it tamed...
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Congratulations on your progress!

I just wanted to say I had not heard of CST training before I came across it on your posts. I did a little research on it today and I have to say it is interesting. I will definitely be looking into it some more. So, thank you for sharing. And good luck with getting your own school started. I helped manage a Martial Arts school many years ago so I know how much work goes into it. Best of luck.
Found this little gem today and I had to post it everywhere I could think to put it! Words cannot express the awesome of this video!
LOL! That's great.
So sorry to read about your doggie.... it is always heart-wrenching to lose a four-legged friend, even if you know they are in a better place.
The dance of life and death is inescapable. Seems like one cannot exist without the other. As my new baby goats grow stronger my old dog Cheyanne grew weaker. First her hind legs went out and then she just started shutting down. In the end I was not sure if she were even conscious of what was going on around her. I took her to...
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hahaha you even get the bette/tina one?! that is awesome. anyone who watches the l word is alright by me. biggrin
My condolences.