Survived the turkey day with minimal wear and tear on the waist line. Had a bit of an unlocky week though. The barnyard is revolting! First a goose sucker punched me and now one of my goats butted me in the jaw. Hopefully they do not all rise up at once.
When I was a litlle kid, all the geese on the farm would chase and attack mefrown
Happy Turkey Day to all. Eat well enjoy the Turkey coma and the be ready for battle tomorrow in the stores.
Good Turkey to you too! biggrin
That storm was brewing for a while though. The former relatives involved had staged three legal attacks during my hospitalizations .... April until a few weeks ago, and even stole legal paperwork out of my briefcase while I was sleeping in my hospital room. I evicerated them all three times in court, but that wasn't enough for them. I was going to quietly take them aside after the party and handle business, but with the youngest being a drug addict, things started at the dinner table. I don't feel all that bad about what happened, in this economy you have to purge deadweight and theives at all levels in a corporation.
Well my flyer is complete and approved! I've also got a free seminar scheduled for December 4th. We are going to use this seminar to get as many business owners, holistic centers and local media interested in CST as we possibly can. Very exciting times. Also if you are interested in CST this seminar is free to anyone who wishes to attend so come on...
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Woah, seriously you're far!
SG chat never works in my browser frown
My CST classes were approved and I have just finished fleshing out my first flyer for these classes. I've got some great seminar ideas too. Things are really looking up and this year is shaping up to be a big step forward in my life.

My birthday was a great deal of fun. I went to Disneyland and had a grand time, even got myself...
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Just confirmed I will be putting on a free seminar at the community center December 4th. This is hopefully going to help us pull in a lot of students and might also grab me some additional teaching jobs. It just keeps getting better!
I love how crazy some of these look! Yoga FTW!
Hello all life is going well and things are looking good for me. My programs get approved on the 19th and I am going down to the Redlands Community Center tomorrow to sign some contracts and I should begin teaching in January. Gives me a lot of time to promote my programs and hopefully start with good sized classes. This is a year of training...
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Congratulations! Hope you get all the students you are hoping for. What is a good sized class for what you do?

Happy early birthday. Hope you have a great time at Disneyland!
Well folks its that time again, I'm due for an update. There is pleanty going on in the world so here we go.

Well in the big news department my brother is getting married. It is a little anticlimactic since him and his girl already live together and have a kid but that isn't really unusual these days. At any rate its a very exciting...
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Well I'm back from my trip (not that anyone noticed I was gone). I shot some craps, played some blackjack and made it out of Laughlin with money in my pocket. Overall an interesting time. Had one of the biggest thunderstorms I've ever seen happen while I was out there. Freaky stuff.

On the more exciting side of news I have to say this week...
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Happy days I am taking a little vacation down to the family river house out in Bullhead, AZ. Should be much fun and hopefully some successful gambling.

I am also making progress with finding work. I have got two locations interested in having me hold classes. With any luck after I get back from my trip I will have classes to hold.
Have a great vacation. River house, that sounds relaxing.
Yes much fun. Swimming, sunning, gambling and the lead singer for Journey lives next door.
I made it! I passed my CST (Circular Strength Training) Instructor certification. It was an intense 3 days over which I completed 25 hours of intense training but I did it! I am a very happy fellow today. This evening I received an email confirming my successful completion of the course and my confirmation as an instructor.
Well step one is building a client base, and I have several ideas and venues for that part, until I save the capital I need to open my own place. I estimate I can do this in a little over a year.
Congratulations! That's super exciting!
Well folks I am back from my CST certification seminar. I completed 25 hours of highly taxing physical and neurological training in the last 3 days and I am exhausted. The is not a muscle in my body that is not sore and worked harder than it has ever been before. This certification was the single most difficult thing I have done in my entire...
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Why do you have to wait so long to find out if you passed?