Been working hard on the proof for an anthology book project I am working on that was an absolute mess due to some staff problems. It is finally coming together though and should be ready to go to the publishing pages in the next week or so. It's pirate themed, so I am looking for a September 19th launch date.

If you don't know what...
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Ha, my last post I said I should probably post more here. That was a month and a half ago, so my track record isn't so good.

Over the last several weeks I have quickly realized that summer vacation is only fun if you're young. Having the children at home all summer is... grating, we'll say. I love 'em but nothing like two kids to...
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I should probably post something now that I'm back again and all that.

I'm getting ready to go on vacation to Chi-town after I work tonight, so I probably should be sleeping right now.

The wife and I have a completely free night in Chicago on Saturday. What should we do?

The Packers won. At least, there's that.

I've been throwing myself at my blog like a toy octopus against a wall. It seems to be the only writing I can bring myself to create right now.

I'm working on that though. Give me time and hope maybe that I can change that. We'll see.

We'll see.

Go and conquer! To write at all is the thing to keep doing...I've lapsed in that and art, but I think I spent too much time already wallowing about it.
Thank you smile
