So which is worse....getting ghosted or someone who replied with such short answers, you wonder if she's even bothering?


Wow...its been a long time since I work anything here...hmm, what's new?

New TV and Entertainment center. Plus framed up some prints I got for Lacuna Coil and their Dark Metal cover of Batman: Dark Metal.

and was given my great-uncle's purple heart, bronze star, and the picture of his gravesite in Italy (he was killed in World War II).....time to get it framed up...
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With the new law that went into effect in Texas, banning abortions after 6 weeks and having people able to call and sue anyone basically over this....I wonder what would happen if the women of Texas withheld sex from their partners as protest? How long would it take for the law to change then?

Just a random thought I had.....


One advantage of going to my cousin's wedding reception...I finally get to wear the shoes I had initially bought for work...right before COVID hit and we started working from home!

Yay 😁

Wow, who knew that asking a woman what kind of writing she does and what kind of art she does is a reason to get ghosted. Oh well, live and learn I guess.

Oh I'm sorry for that! :(
At this point, I'm used to it.

Got the wedding invite for my cousin's wedding in the mail today...me and a guest. let's see, so far, in all the weddings I've been invited to, never had someone go with me. Is there any chance the streak will be broken? I highly doubt, but that's just me.

Hope you find a companion to the evento, but even if you dont, I'm sure you'll have a nice time there πŸ’•
Bring a friend and get drunk as fuc* πŸ˜‚

hey girl on Bumble, thanks for matching...

oh yeah, girl on Bumble...you do know you have to message me within 24 hours of matching or it goes away, right?


I'm pretty sure on-line dating is a good way to keep your ego in check...or even crushed.

It’s true πŸ˜‚

One benefit of having gum restoration surgery....lost 7 lbs this past week without realizing it. Since I can't eat "hard foods", it means no more snacking on chocolate bars and such.

Now if I can just heal up good so I can get back to things like brushing my teeth normally and such!


no contact after 2 weeks...does that count at being ghosted?

I'd say yes
Mmh yes, leave