head................hurts..................neeeeeeeeeeeed sleep.....
So, guess what?!?!
My parents saw my tattoo, yay!
Well - not really... All I can say is that at least they didn't throw me out of the house. Honestly, I just sat there - and didn't say a word.
So - how did they find out, you ask?
Well, I had gotten out of the shower; and I was just sitting on my bed...
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Well - my good [looking] amiga "[baby]bellicose" had an interestingly good point on her blog: how certain songs sorta speak to places you have been in your life and cause memory recall on your part. This is something that I live through - or at least try to find songs that do so (I like to live in the past).
But a little while ago...
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Remind me not to ask you where you were when I was 21.

Damn. Too late...I already figured it out. I coulda been your babysitter.
mmmmm... naked ladies - can't beat 'em biggrin
No, you can't beat them. They put you in jail for that sort of thing. wink
What about kickin' an bitin' them? biggrin
kiss kiss kiss kiss
Yes, yes yes - it has been quite some time - almost 5 months to be exact.
But thanks to the love Ms Belicose - I have now returned.
Might I take a moment here to thank her TREMENDOUSLY and let her know that I love her mucho - and cannot wait to see her upon my return to...
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You are welcome. What can I say? I was tired of you being grey. Plus, it's one more place I can look at you. wink

I can't wait til you get back either! It's looking more and more like I will not be able to go to Chicago since my friend is going 2 weeks before my show closes. I may just have to wait until you trudge your way back here.

I will definitely get pissed with you when you are 21. I am counting the days!

Glad to have you back in the pink.
kisses kiss
You're back! Yay! Good to hear from you. I will totally save the date for your birthday. I love breakin in younguns with the whiskey.
Ricky's Facial Piercings
September 05 - February 06
You took out your facial piercings??!!!!!

NOOOOOO! Oh God no.
Are you going through a mourning period? I know I did. It made me feel so shallow!
By the way, what was that silly "Perfect girlfriend (or was it wife?) bulletin all about, anyway?
soo - yea...
last night i get a call from my sister - and this wasn't one of those "Oh, its nice to hear from you, good, how are you, love you too" type convos; this was a bomb...
So, my sister:
the exact opposite of me; short, tiny, skinny, blond hair, blue eyes, looks younger than her age (16 - looks 13).
We get...
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Police report? I was going to make a witty comment like, chastity belt, but it seems sort of ill formed when I think about it. That's a sucky situation. I hope she's okay.
Hi! Ha-the freezing temps SUCK. I hate it! I am counting the days til Spring. Im envious that it's 50 there! So what's new?
So - yea, I stopped posting, cause I felt unappreciated here, that is unitl my new favorite friend - miss_k8 - said hello - put a smile on my face - yay smile.
So yea, new news - not much...
Still looking for romance and companionship - you'd think it would be easy - no fucking way.
But I have fallen in love - with...
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Hi! I am so sorry that I haven't written. I've been caught up with work. Hang in there. You can find an awesome woman. And she'll come when you least expect it. It's all good. SMILE. wink
You're very appreciated.
gooooooooooooo superjew!!! tongue
yeah, I feel the same as you on myspace right now, too! however, a lot of people are in school, and it is midterm week, remember that. miao!!