Fortunately Days May Turn Slightly Cold. (so) Learning Programming Seems Fun. Realistically Others Rarely Teach Retards.

In the same way that Richard of York Gave Battle in Vain. This will help me in my exam. Oh yes.
Dah. Revision makes my brain hurt. Only 19 days 'til the end of my exams though. Today I finished my first read through of my notes for my first three subjects and studied all the past papers in detail. My plan is to base my revision strategy on the fact that they tend to use the same general themes from year to year, if not...
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oh yeah, our traffic cones are bright orange too! i wish i had a good view of the naked girl across the street... nah, i'll just have to jack off to SG some more!!!! biggrin
Yay, back in Edinburgh. I was supposed to be going out tonight, but my friend called to cancel just as I was leaving. And thus my plans, and designs on a certain young lady, were foiled yet again. Curses!

I watched a couple of episodes of the Poirot TV show today... they really do like to change the details of the plot... which in some...
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no worries dear. it doesn't always come out easily in writing, unless you had previously know about pops and i.

i have a decent relationship with my mom, i might tell her someday that i got naked for money. my parents were neglectful and they shouldnt have been able to reproduce. my sister basically raised me and she's my best friend, she knows about that stuff... we have an open relationship.
I'm installing Firefox for my parents (along with fixing all the technical problems throughout the house they have apparently been saving since the last time I was home (Christmas)), so they won't be needing IE anymore... thus I am free to use it to access SG.

I don't really have much else to say. I hate revision, but that isn't really a strech of the...
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Is Firefox good? A friend recommended it to me a couple of weeks ago but I havent got round to trying it yet.
A reason? Yes there is. smile
I'm so listless this evening; I don't know what's wrong with me. I did get a few things done today, though.

First of all, we went to look at a new flat. It's a private let which would get us away from the horrible, horrible Flat Company (anyone reading this in Edinburgh who rents will probably know who I'm talking about). The flat itself was...
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well, that was last night, but it's ok. it's 5 pm here....
it's great, most of em are hot chicks wink
When the revolution comes, the person the who came up with the idea of "playing it cool" will be first against the wall. I think I may have mentioned my distaste for this concept before. First of all I can't do it, second of all I can't cope with girls who do. I mean... come on... play fair.

On the whole this has been a...
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I have this uncanny knack of remaining sober when the rest of the room is falling over drunk, although Anaphalaxis reckons this is cos I take an hour to drink one whisky. Personally I think he's just jealous. biggrin
Poirot's stories are certainly much easier to solve when you see them on screen. The books are always much more mystifying but that is probably what makes Agatha Christie so good.
As you may have noticed, I finally got around to adding an actual picture of myself today. After half an hour of running around my room with my camera phone (it turns out that it's really hard to take a pic of yourself with my actual camera. The button is in a funny place) I finally took a pic that I quite like. It has...
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yes Very good idea I really need to start working on one soon!!
Thanks for the birthday wishes.

How are you and Poirot getting on?
kittyp's latest journal entry has got me in a slightly political mood, so I think I'll talk about it a little. Specifically, I'd like to talk a little about the choices we have here in the UK. I dunno why, that's just what I have on my mind.

In the red corner we have Labour. Straight off the bat, this is probably who I'll...
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It's Russell Road, round the corner from Roseburn.
Great free internet spot.
The Lib Dems (they were called the Whigs for slang) use to be the oppossing party to the Torries at one point before the Labour party existed, they were in power a fair few time. They were in at the begining of the 1900's cos i remeber doing emensly dry boring stuff on them in history a couple of years back.

Theres one cure for the BNP and thats bullets, and lots of them! wink

Its fun to be a dirty communist.
Suicide Girls are a bad influence. Individually and as a group. While I did actually get some work done on my Term Paper today (mainly because I found out that it needs to be around ten pages long, thus doing it the night before is not really an option), I also spent I lot of time looking at really hot girls.

Like, really hot. Also,...
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Playing it cool usually results in someone else running off with the object of your affections. There's nothing wrong with giving it a shot.

Which Poirot are you reading?
LOL, yes it is the done thing to reply on other people's journals.
So today I actually did something.

You see every year the university rolls out the mostly metaphorical red carpet in order to tempt new students to come join in the fun. Or, in the case of my department, rolls out the present students in red t-shirts which say "School of Informatics" on them. Today I was one of those students (it's the fourth or fifth...
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You're in SG Scotland now, get over there and make some noise.

My first SG journal entry. Today I was supposed to do three things:

1. Revise for my exams a bit.
2. Do some work for my term paper.
3. Start learning the programming language "LUA" for my summer project.

And so far I have:

1. Signed up to SG.
2. Arsed about.

It's a start though.
Look at hot chicks Vs revision.

Yeah I can see why you ended up here. biggrin