So this post will be an emotional one and I’m sorry.

Yesterday at 6:05pm I said goodbye to my boy Chico. He had been in my life for 14 years and I’m still trying to process the loss. He had been sick for a while, he had kidney disease. On his check up yesterday they said that we tried everything we could and his kidneys
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@fullfeeling i was thinking about getting another puppy but I’m not ready. He was my family for so long I can’t replAce him or anything yet. I hope he knows we loved him so much. I hope he knew he was so much more than a pet cos he helped me with so much. I just hope with all my heart he felt and knew he was loved more than anything. I just hope so much
Well, they can't conceptualize a "job", so they'll never be able to understand something like what it meant to have them there when you got home from a bad day at work.  They don't know "pet" or not.  They just know what we give them.  Sounds like Chico knew a whole lot of love.

It’s Satuurday morning and finally had a sleep in. I have so much to do today that it’s making me less motivated to leave my bed. In saying that I feel like my motivation for a lot has gone. Last week I celebrated my birthday and it was great! I had the best day with those I love but now I feel like I’ve filled...
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Keep on truckin love. The world still has a lot to get excited about even when your tank is empty 😉

A few months ago now Sydney was lucky enough to have a get together with all the girls & have the amazing @missy come hang out out. I got to finally meet so many amazing girls who I’ve followed for so long! Like @arachnie (remember when I cried! Talk about embarrassing), made amazing new friends like @cicatrice (girl I’m crushing on you hard) and meeting...
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After reading @prizzle's post and your post back to back and @vorpol's comment I'm feeling this odd moisture under me eyeballs ~ that's a lot of love being shared, super inspirational ~ I adore you Goddesses so much ~ I can't wait to see both of you together ~ another amazing post ~ much much love to you both ❤️
@ropers71 thank u so much 💕 can’t wait for u guys to see it 😁