So I just did a very hard thing....I sent an e-mail to my ex telling her I need to cut off communication for a while...this is something I really need to do because if I don't I'll never get over her, but it sux because I still have deep feelings for her...one of the hard parts is that she's a SG member...so I'll be tempted...
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I'm back I'm back... as if I could leave you guys. Sheesh.

You should silently stalk the ex. Yes.
people are finished. i'm a turkey.
HAPPY ST. PAT's Day!!!!!
I don't have any cute or funny pics to post in honor of the occaision, but I'm Irish damnit! Just seeing my pastey, red-bearded face should be enough.....
I'm not actually able to celebrate 'till Saturday, but Happy day anyway. Go Out, Find an Irish Person, and have sex with them... biggrin
Ah well Erin Go Braugh! And Erin Go Deo!
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Hey you! How's tricks? I haven't updated for a while due to my home intramanet being fux0red, but I'm working on it. Currently in a dodgey NZ internet cafe plotting evily with two other cunning people. Hope all is fine and dandy and you're still keeping up with the Awesome. Re: your current crush, awww! I feel special! Well you're still my long-distance internet fiance. Cook me some eggs please bitch! Glaivin!
Quick update:
1. I'm broke, somehow overspent this week, luckily I get paid tomorrow
2. One of my favorite bands, Sponge, is coming to town friday and it's only $5 to see them biggrin
3. Thursday is St. Patrick's day, show us Irish some lovin'
4. I gotta do some stuff that I don't wanna, and it's bumming me out....but I gotta do it....update on that...
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Take off an article of clothing for me a O'Sullivans! Or just have a shot, whatever. Tell everyone I say Hi and that they better HAVE FUN or else I'll send Balinese rangdas (witch-demons) after them! Bye, talk to ya in a week. biggrin
Went to the Doc, got some anti-biotics...apparently just a case of Brochitis....hope it clears up soon. Didn't get a chance to talk to the radio guy at my dad's cast party....he was a bit busy....but I hope to get to talk to him soon. Don't really know what else to say.....so I'll shut up now.....here I go.....shutting up.....I'm a man who knows when it's time...
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yeah, shut up!
i'm sick right now too.
i don't like it.
get well. kiss
Boo! That sucks. Take ALL of the antibiotics, don't just quit when you feel better. Kill the little fuckers.

I'm actually in Columbia City right now... we got here at like 11:30 last night. I haven't ventured out of the house yet, but the broadband is okay so things can't be that bad.
So my cough has gotten even worse....that's what I get for exercising....I go to the doctor tomorrow to get it checked out and hopefully get some miracle cure-all that will make me feel better. I go to hang out with my 'rents this Saturday, my dad is in a play...I'm happy for him, at least he's doing something...he's normally just happy to sit and watch...
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Thanks! blush
I hope you feel better.
Yeah, don't cough up anything you may need later. Tell your Dad congrats on the play for me. And follow up on the voice thing too, someday you may look back on it being "your big break". Have Fun. smile Bonne Chance
I've had a bad day......I woke up early 'cause I couldn't sleep due to bad dreams, so I got on my 'puter. My ex IM'ed me...she was drunk(midnight in her timezone) and we just got to chatting....at some point in the conversation it came up that a mutual friend of ours had let it be known that I still had feelings for her (the ex).....a...
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i hate my exes
i like how exes, pluralized, becomes the same extension used in the computer world for executable files
i have exes who need executing.
i'm rambling.
Good for you. I should be so disciplined... I think I've gained ten pounds in the last two weeks from all the eating out. Oy.
Univision needs subtitles...I just watched a show called "Hotel la paisa" and it's supposed to be funny...and it seems really phucked up.....but I don't know what they're sayin....my friend Nick and I are tempted to learn Spanish just to find out.....ol
how was ur weekend?
Saturday or Sunday. We're leaving at like 5 am on Wednesday, but we have to drive like 50 the whole way b/c the bed is strapped to my roof rack. skull
Still not much to say....I got my Hellblazer TPB's (tradepaperbacks) yesterday, they rock.....The weather here is starting to get to me....the cold, grey days....the cold sunny days....the freezing nights.....I think it might be the cold.....I hate it...........ahh well frown
So I was looking through past journal entries, if you ever get the chance to do that...pass....and I realized that I start most of my entries with the word "so"....I really have nothing to update with....I'm just really really bored surreal Umm, hopefully something of consequence will happen and I can report it....this is The Greg, signing off
I've given up, once again, on women.....I really don't think I'll meet anyone anytime soon, so I've decided to not worry about it. I'm gonna go about my life and just fucking live.....or at least try. I'm tired of sleeping all the time, and I'm tired of putting my dreams on hold....wait, I don't really have any dreams anymore....so I'll make something up.....and I'll watch...
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blush kiss
U sound like a male version of me. Yes a lot of women suck really bad, but they are some that will treat u right. Same applies to men. But i've only ever met dated on that treated me like the woman i am. Also once u start looking that's when all the girls'll show up. See with me, guys don't want to date me, they just want to fuck me. Finding someone that will treat u right and put the time in is very difficult. mad
As for how u look, u look fine to me, i really dont think many women are that picky, only the bitches are and they don't deserve u. I have tummy pudge too and it just makes u more loveable. smile Women who wont accept that blow. The guy who i guess is my bf but wont be too much longer always bugs me about my small gut and every time he does i want to punch him, cus despite it i'm pretty hot. And he has one too, damn bastard mad
anyways, wink kiss
I am offically on Spring Break.....I work through the whole thing, but no school for a week smile I'm really really bored, and there's not much I can do about it right now.............
Haha, I always feel like I have nothing to do and spend half my time mucking about on the internet...when in reality i have shedloads of work I'm pretending doesn't exist.
I get the feeling that living up to my potential would really cut into my "sitting around" time ~Maria Bamford~
I think I truly concur with this statement. I kind of envy those that have the time and the motivation to follow their dreams...but I probably won't. I'm not gonna be a great rock star, or be an acclaimed artist, earn my fortune, or save...
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biggrin biggrin biggrin Smile biggrin biggrin biggrin
*le sigh*
You could do so much better than average. Oh well, whatever floats your boat. I have recently come to terms with my giggling, and now accept it as an integral part of my makeup. We each have our own quirks, giggling, apathy, whatever.