I need to update my pics including my profile pic.....Maybe after this weekend, Party at my Crib! Hopefully it fits well in the goodthings category. I know I'm not gonna get lucky or anything, I've come to the conclusion that I'm gonna be alone for a long time...maybe not forever, but definately a long time....I've been really depressed lately and frankly I'm tired of it..so...
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Email me some directions!
I haven't been updating or interacting too much lately I realize, but I've been busy with work and school. That, and for some reason I've been actually leaving the house and doing stuff....hmm, interesting....also I've been cracking out on World of Warcraft, I finally have a lvl 50 hunter...10 more levels till I'm capped. Sadly enough that's the most exciting thing in my life.....My roommate...
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that' s awesome. Living in a house is by far the best way to live. I rent an upper suite but it's so not the same. World of Warcraft is an awesome game, and the fact that u are so die hard is awesome. Passion is the best gift ever, and as long as u got it for somethin, that's great. kiss
So no ranting in this post. I haven't been in the best mood lately, but that's no excuse for negativity. Having said that, I really have little to post here.... blush ....tonight I finally get to see my good friend's newborn twin girls. He's like the walking dead lately, so I told him I'd come give him a hand so he can relax a bit. biggrin I...
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I'm sorry. I'm a bad friend... I was asleep by 10. I've been waking up at 5:30 or 6 everydays, so I'm sort of a zombie.
Finally decided to talk to me again, huh. Perk up, it can't be that bad! I recomend that you go to a pet store and play with the puppies for at least half an hour. Go! Find Puppies!
I have never figured out, in all my wonderings and doings in my life, why I still continue to sabotage my progress in things. Example: School. I'm an intelligent guy, I know the material...but I skip classes, don't do homework, and end up getting C's and D's in classes I should be getting A's and B's. You'd think that the sheer amount of money I'm...
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That sucks. I used to do that in school. I'd be perfectly capable of doing the work, I just wouldn't.
We're getting our new place today... be prepared for a housewarming thing in a week or two.
So yet another 3rd roomate is moving out....he couldn't get a job (I don't think he was trying very hard). So he's moving back to Michigan....I'm tired of this.....and now my Ass and lower back hurt because I was feeling kinda depressed because now billz are gonna be expensive again so I thouroughly immersed myself in the imaginary world of World of Warcraft....all day....for like...
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so I'm a little drunk and rather melancholy. I was right, I had no chance with my female friend....apparently women can't get past my gruff, nice-guy exterior...once again I find myself as the 'best guy friend' mad I guess it's better than nothing (sour grapes sour grapes) . I have no self-control, and so even though I have cut off communication to my ex, I couldn't...
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Raarrr! Hey you, I'm back, like the bad smell or small animal you can't get rid of (I don't respond to bug spray I swear). I'm going to Brisbane tomorrow so I thought I'd let you know I'm still thinking about you, seeing as you won't hear from me for a week or two. Yeah yeah I'm slack.
Keep your chin up, unfortunatle the ladder theory works. I've been in that girl's position many times before and she's probably doing what she feels is best to ensure your friendship. I know it still hurts and sucks, but it could be better in the long run.
Now I have to go back to ranting at my feminist theory in literature paper because they're going on about how porn is the antithesis of erotica and is evil etc. I like porn and I'm a feminist! So sucks to them and their asss-ma.
Astra (Unnethe)
Oh good, you're alive. I was going to call you tonight to make sure if you hadn't come around yet smile
So Sunday I hung out with Silverstreak and her Man, and Dejajeva it wuz kewl...and it got me outta my house to meet new people biggrin that there's a feat in and of itself. Tonight was my weekly Karaoke night at the local dive. After Sin City, I was in a swing/jazz mood so I did me some Cherry Poppin Daddies. I also ran into a...
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You're not the rebound unless you start dating/getting invested.

What kind of job are you going to look for?
Just don't be like me and walk out tongue
Hi. It was nice meeting you too!
Check out my new phone. It's one of the nerdy ones with the qwerty keyboard inside.
So I've joined the evil army....I bought a cell-phone today. I've always hated the things...but now I too am one of the walking-talkers....my roomates both have one and they never get calls on the land line, so it was either this, or pay for the home phone by meself....same price I went mobile. Plus this'll help me when I get my demo CD done and...
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Let's see if the new coffeehouse sucks... maybe get some grub? I'm going to invite Deja too.
Yup, that's the one... I'll be wearing a sweater that makes me look like Velma.
Hope y'all have a happy Easter....I probly won't get a chance to update before then. Eat lots of Ham and Candy! And make sure to count yer eggs after you find 'em so that you don't stumble across one in June and it's all rotten and stinky biggrin
I know that once again I haven't been posting in people's journals....I'll rectify that this week. kiss
Hope you had a good one too, man!
Ok, apparently no one got my Circle K reference (It's the convenience store that Bill and Ted are in front of when the phone booth shows up with Rufus in it)....Anyway, a sad thing has happened....I had to finally throw out my favorite flannel. frown It had survived 3 girlfirends and 8 years of giving me comfort and warmth.......it just sort of disintegrated, so I threw...
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same thing happened to me with a guy. We get along great, he comes over, we talk, he stays. Nothing else happens between us, but i saw him again at the pub and again he stayed over. But during that interperiod he never fuckin called me. I called him. Anyways i tried to plan something with him, but he didn't really care to do anything. What i don't get is why stay over at my house if

1) u know u aren't getting laid

He could have gotten a ride home. Anyways i guess i'm just upfront and all the men i meet are just chickenshit little boys who don't know what they want.

ARRR!!! ARRR!!! mad ARRR!!! ARRR!!! mad ARRR!!! ARRR!!!

Good luck to u with the ladies!
We got a Circle K! It's the first in Ft Wayne history.....I think this summer I'm gonna hang out at it to see if my future-self shows up in a time machine biggrin