hello all you out there in Suicideland. surreal
it is pretty early in the morning, like 530. i usually have been staying up thruout most nights. i am a nite person regularly, but now even more 'cause i go to school at nite now which suits me much better than in the day. it's hard to think of stuff to say when i've been away from...
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Um... Happy Birthday!
Happy B day! I miss Buffy too.

I have a telecaster and it is definately phallic. wink

boys are dumb mad

I am going to try....try to stick to grrls...literally and figuratively biggrin

what's yer major? I'm a musician and a scientist...
sunday morning, actually out of bed (step 1 achieved!) and having kind of a nice and somewhat creative kind of day so far, wrote out a few pages of nothing in particular and then played with my geetar for an hour or so. checked my grades on line (all b's again) and then thought i'd check out whats goin' down in the dirty part of...
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bok bok bok
i had to look that word up. all i came up with was:
ontology ( P ) Pronunciation Key (n-tl-j)
The branch of metaphysics that deals with the nature of being
ontological ( P ) Pronunciation Key (nt-lj-kl)
Of or relating to ontology.
Of or relating to essence or the nature of being.
Of or relating to the argument for the existence of God holding that the existence of the concept of God entails the existence of God
Heh... bok . Hi there.
...??? bok er, okay, so the thing is, i well, boy, you know it's been a while since i have been back to this site again, but i don't even know if anyone i know iis still on this site so--well i figure i am talking t opeople who have all been previously relatively unaware of my existence so i don't know i suppose i...
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delirium kiks ass wink biggrin robot
Miss pug.

Wanna go see the fishys some time?

I know you do.

bok miao!!
are you there, suiicideworld? it's me, pug.
well, long time no *peep*
hmmm, it's tricky writing entries when i'm not accustomed to it, heh! i haven't been here in months and months, i don't even know if all my friends are still on here?? oh well, if i am talking to myself here i suppose that is nothing new anyways. And here, people don't look...
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pug is back!
pug is back!
good god, that's alot of poo.... i see by your pics that you like delirium of the endless smile
laaaaaaaaalalalala....lazy and lovin' it smile
already though i only have one week of my break left robot arg! oh well, in a nerdy sort of way i am kind of looking forward to school, although i'm sure i'll be biting my tongue about that as soon as i'm back in the swamp of everything. i am taking on economics this somester, which is a little nerve racking,...
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time to update, please!!
Yae! yur bak!

It's been so long. Maybe we can hang tonight.

Tortoise anyone? wink
bok bok and finally all is done for the next few weeks and pug has no work to do till then...well i did pretty good on my soc. and latin american finals i think but my canadian politics one, er not so much. it's too bad, 'cause i was doing pretty well in that class and learning alot of stuff but kind of got screwed up mid...
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pug... i'll admit it! i'm just too drunk to respond right now, but in the morning i'll leave a big fat ass response over a fat cup of caffeine!

i hope all is well.
o.k. - i'm sober and feeling good. i would usually just blab on in your journal and then feel stupid for all the crazy shit i said, but this time i was trying to be good.

that power outage thing was scary. i didn't realize how important it was for me to have power. i began reading "the fellowship of the rings" and wrote some new stuff on acoustic, but other then that i sort of just wasted away. it's nice to know i was at least thought about! thanks pug.
surreal well it's almost over- the majority of school is done for the somester- i had to basically lock myself in the apartment, unplug the phone- cease all contact with the outside world and flake out completely, that sort of thing for about a week but it all got fucking done; now all i gotta do is study for the finals but those don't start till...
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Pug! Your back. I'm really glad you've managed to make it out of your school delima alive. Were all very proud of you. *pats pug on back* By the way - you can't honestly tell me someone, anyone would wait 3 weeks to call you!?! I don't believe it.

hey wise one -
thank you so much for your words, and mr. gibran's words. . .
to think i used to call myself a poet!
it really helped.
i mean, i kind of already "knew" what he was talking a/b.
i am who i am b/c of what i've been through. i don't think i'd exchange that.
but sometimes it all seems so senseless -
adversity is good for the soul, but depression?
puke woo! one essay down, um....several midterms (including one this morningz) down and several more to go..and another essay too actually. a little barined fried no, that's brain fried, but it's all good right now, 'cause i just got a NEW BIKE BUDDY! YEAH ! tongue tongue well actually it's a kind of old bike- riding home on the bus i passed this bike shop on the outskirts...
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Ha! Your sweet-pea sounds incredible. I hope you totally enjoy it and show the world everyday! I have been wondering where you've been pug? I know for my friends anyway, things are really starting to come down to the crunch for school. I just assumed that you had a lot of school stuff going on. It's really good to hear that your sister (bear) is coming to live so close to you, maybe she can get a bike too!?! You should keep working on the whole vocal/music thing. Maybe you really can sing in key and just don't know it? Three or four years ago I began to get really self conscious in regards to my voice and my ability to harmonize. I started singing lessons and stayed in them for 6 months. When I went to pay my vocal teacher for the remainder of the year, she asked if my confidence was strong enough yet? I was like, "huh?" What do you mean? She then informed me that I didn't have to be taking these lessons at all. She said the only reason she thought I was there, was because I was afraid to sing in front of people. Little did she know, I thought I was shit! Go figure.
hello darling -
first of all, thank you for your very understanding words in my time of crisis! it must be a girl thing smile
secondly - i LOVE the new picture smile
thirdly - i love the new bike! i have a 1955 rust orange schwinn w/ a light and a bell and the brakes that you have to backpedal to stop - it's wonderful! i just wish i had a seawall to ride along frown it used to have only one gear which made it darn near impossible to ride, but hubby fixed it up w/ 5 gears, but it's still no mountain bike. i have to be content to ride it through the park. not too bad, especially when the dog is by my side.
fourth - good luck w/ the family reunion! i'd love it if i could get my family out here. fat chance.
take care,
i don't know what it isbut things are kind of a drag today. for the past couple of days really...i mean, nothing particaularily awful but a drag anyways. i mean, usually i don't mind being in my head and not too social or anything, sometimes i wonder if maybe i'm like that too much or something. its weird, because rationally, i know that i am...
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you could become a philosopher?! no?yes?! Maybe...should we start calling you socrates, no archimedes, although he was more of a math guy, yeah socrates will do. Ooh ooh, how bout a prime minister, Chretien isn't really a politician, he's just a yes man, or more like a jesh mon*drool*
Good one.

I think you're a closet artist.
I know for a fact your closet has an artistic flair.
maybe you're a "closet " artist
Sounds odd to me, but then again I'm sure I sound odd to you.

And seriously, you know if the Green party gets that 5% next year, your gonna be lovin the intricasies of the new political world.
Concievable actual change! Can you imagine?
well it is a damp and pearlescent kind of afternoon, very cozy, 'cause the heater is on and everyone else in here is asleep except me... miao!! miao!! cleo and mogwai are sprawled on the couch next to me, and jae on the bed in the corner, snoring like a madman... oink can you hear this guy?! usually i have my army of small stuffed animals i can...
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i am intrigued by this woodcock fellow - and your political ideas . . .
thanks for liking my pic.
thanks for sharing your thoughts on your father.
not a great day for me today, so it made me sad, even though your words aren't sad.
maybe it's time for a nap w/ the snoring boy?
take care.
Cozy - That's exactly the kind of afternoon I need. Not lonely, but very cozy. Thanks for all the kind words Pug. It's very reassuring. I would love to see you have the chance to become our next leader! If there's anything I could do to help, just let me know. Go Pug!
greetings, suicidals... biggrin i was just at the sonar last nite at the domakesaythink show and man, was that wicked-awesome! leepin' lemurs, did those guys rawk. bok i was rigght at the front, right by the speaker and everything and had a perfect view of all NINE freaking musicians (the drummers, man, holy fuck!) everyone of them played at least 2 instruments each (not at the same...
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Pug... your rad! That's all for now. You seem like a very strong little being. I really hope you have been enjoying all of those shows, like you said you would.
Why are there so many cool people that live in Canada...interesting..., and depressing at the same time...I need to move...

DO MAKE SAY THINK!!! Holy crap! I haven't heard them in years (prolly three, in fact)!!! Wow! Thanks for reminding me of a great band!
gawd it's warm outside...and so sunny and colourful, anyone who doesn't live on the canadian west coast is a SUCKER! tongue hehe
although there are a few setbacks, like taking the bus home from school on a hot day, and when you get towards downtown it gets all supercrowded and kind of stanky and you have to wonder how much of it is comming from you...
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Oh I forgot, I was once a Resident for Halloween, you know, suit, top hat, and an eye ball for a head!?!

I think three people might have known who or what I was suppose to be. The suit rental was a total waste. I really wish I had pictures!
hey.. im not a wierdo, i dont even eat cheerios smile