So, I had a kick ass time in Montreal, and made a few more metalhead friends while I was there. I checked in to the "hostel" on Friday, which was really McGill University's dorms. I stayed in the Molson building, and met quite a few people in the lounge on the main floor. We decided to go out together on Friday, and as I knew...
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I love a bit in a kilt 😍

That is all. Oh, and I got my Alestorm shirt and preorder package in just in time before I leave. Looks like I have a new shirt for Sunday. If they're doing signings, definitely bringing the flag and new album I have. :D

Woohoo! Team Montreal! :D
@glas it's a 4 hour drive for me! Yay Canada... lol

in two days! Can't wait to be back there on Friday for another edition of Heavy Montreal.


I can't wait! The drive is short enough, and hopefully I have that Monday off so I can recover and drive home. Going to be rocking out at Heavy Montreal, and I can't wait to see some of the bands live. Dropkick Murphys (yes, not metal) are playing, and I have been following them for a good number of years. I just appreciate how...
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I went to this festival a couple weekends ago, but I didn't have net on my comp to share any of the pictures. The lineup was pretty awesome. So, let's get some pictures up here... (Warning: Picture centric from here on out)

New Found Glory


If you can't read that.... It's Five Finger Death Punch

Cannibal Corpse


Blink 182


Fat Mike from
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That's how I feel right now. My car just said fuck you to me right after I passed someone while I was on my way to Ottawa to see a friend's band perform tonight. Right now I'm waiting for the tow truck, and thankfully, I have CAA covering the cost of the tow back to town. Here's hoping that this isn't going to cost me...
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