Mum's throwing a spaz attack coz according to Norton Internet Security SG has been downloading dialers to our PC. I don't know if I believe her or not. I know she doesn't like me going on SG so she could just be saying it to scare me.
I emailed SG and haven't had a reply so...
So if I don't post for a while, don't...
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SG is a legitimate site, your mom is probably freaking out because Norton has said something about something and she's stereotyping all adult related sites into one pool... but then again Norton says anything about anything at the best of times - it's only ever seems to get serious when it comes to its own annual upgrading.


[Edited on Mar 22, 2005 4:17PM]
yeah i doubt very much that sg is doing something like that.
oh and your welcome.
*sighs* Been at work all day. Tired and hungry. But i'm going to a mates to get drunk *gives everyone the tumbs up*
Other than that, not alot to update.
Have fun ppl!

Oh,The Killer's album fucking rules! I DEMAND that everyone buy it.... NOW!!!
*Dances around to 'Jenny was a friend of mine'*

I've just realised you ahve been talking about the Killers all weekend and I have been nodding smiling and thinking of the Distillers! Doh
oh well I'll just keep nodding and smiling smile
The Killers are amazing, I got the album a while ago kiss biggrin
Well, sorry for the depressed post before. As Lock said in his lost post, I was like a drunk with an ex's phone number.
*deep breaths* I'm feeling better now. I have an idea for a photo set!! But, it'll be unofficial and posted in PSW most likely, as the waiting list for sets is about 4 months (so I hear!)
But, I'm giving no...
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Lol, well I've seen you without it wink.... In my dream anyway! Haha tongue
oh i sooo cant wait for your set babe!!! and im glad your cheery again yay biggrin ((hugs)) kiss
My ex, Steven, just sent me these song lyrics by some guy called Jack Johnson and if they aren't about me and him I don't know what is! He then did the heartless thing of pasting "Learning loving somebody, Dont make them love you". Why doesn't he just put my heart in a microwave now he's ripped it out!? He's referring to the fact that...
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hey there just read your journal. you need a hug.


your ex is insane. you are beautiful and one day you'll find the right guy. this guy isn't it.


cheer up.

Sweetie, your so beautiful it kills me to see you like this. You are not a bad person, nasty or anything and as for ugly? you must be nuts. You're so special sweetie you deserve better.

I know you are strong enough to do this, and like i said you need to sit him down and find out what is going on, because for a guy who doesn't love you anymore he sure does spend a lot of time thinking about you.

I cannot stress this enough IM ALWAYS ABOUT ALWAYS!!!! call when you need to.

by the way your subliminal messages worked wink
he he thats awsome! lol biggrin
Nice tongue biggrin
WOW eeek
I didn't think a photo of one of my fat thighs could do so much!!
Thanks to everyone in PSW (Plus Sized Women) who commented on my photo. You've all made me ALOT happier than I've been in the past few days! I don't know if any of you back read my blog a bit but I've been feeling REALLY crappy the last few...
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I really like that pic you put in PSW it's a nice tease, the set sounds interesting, you and Lostprophets....As long as your in it, it should be good.

I used to be really uncomfortable with my size and weight but since i've joined this site I have posted 4 sets In the Big Cuddly Boys group and i'm now happier with the way I look and thats thanks to the comments people have made about the sets.

Don't be nervous and I can't wait for the set biggrin .

Take care darlin' kiss biggrin
ha ha you got lactating barbie lol
Awwww Wuggly, you're so great! blush If I could be beamed over I'd be there in a flash!
I tried to update SG from my phone and send a photo of some cool suspenders I bought, but it hasn't arrived for some reason. So I uploaded again, this time to my pics folder. It's in the folder of phone cam pics, duh. Although when I get...
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Hope the seminar goes OK
Good Luck!
Hi biggrin

You like Mad Capsule Markets love Niiiice biggrin
I just wanna say thanks to everyone who's been trying to help me thru this shitty time. *Love and snogs to WugglyUmp, your post made me cry, but in a good way! And thanks to Lock too. You've become one of my closest mates in the past few weeks, weird I know, but you have.

Things have gone bad to worse I'm afraid and this...
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Doesn't sound very good... if you want to talk you have me on msn and i am sorta local too...
perhaps you're mom's going through some bullshit right now that she's not letting on to? to say such vicious things...there's got to be sometihing going on.

i really do hope thngs start to pick up for you. i wish i could beam you over here. we could play board games smile

feel better beautiful
I need a kick up the arse.... frown

I just made myself sick coz I felt so fat...... But that's not the worst bit.
I started scratching myself again. I know I shouldn't but I coudn't help it! frown frown frown

I don't mean to sound like some other teenage 'wannabe' who's into self harm. I could never cut myself, I'm too much of a wuss. I should prolly...
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Fuck 'em honey.

When everyone is against you, feel sorry for them, because you are on the winning side.

And why would you want to mess around with such a beautiful body?
We all hate ourselves sometimes. As well as hating everything around us, work collage etc. In my experience it passes, and comes back and passes again and comes back.

I dont like my body very much, but there are people who do, that helps, you have to belive them really, my girlfriend made me do a set for SG boys, sort of scary really, but it helps.

I hate chavs (townies) more than anything, when I first started uni, Derby used to be a cool place to be, but it seems to have had a townie makeover!!!! Like you said inbred arseholes.

Lifes a roller coaster, you que up for ages to get a turn, realise its full of ups and downs, then your sick, before you know it its all over. hehe smile

Look for the good in it...xxx feel free to talk to me if ya wanna x
Well, me and Ali have been getting on really well smile We've been perminatly texting each other since friday, minus the time we've both spent at work. He's really nice smile
He plays guitar and piano and writes songs. He draws anime (Like me!!) and he's been skiing, climbing, parachuting and snowboarding! He has a degree in Law, is 21, he's a gemini and called Suicide girls...
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He does sound good, I hope your luck holds this time.
Chain him to a sheep and see what happens.
Went out last night. My Mum's b'day is coming up so her mates all invited me out. Her best friend brought her daughter and me and her really hit it off. She's really nice! But anyways, we went around all the 'trendy' clubs lol and we were in Lloyds and Mum pointed out a member of bar staff and he was VERY cute smile Black spikey...
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the best ones pop up when ur not looking wink
Nice! If he is over 5'7" I think you may have struck gold.
Good luck biggrin

by the by thanx for the the suggestions, I love my chemical romance and downloaded three cheers for sweet revenge recently, I think the video for I'm not all right is the best I've seen in a long time.
Yeah... I now feel like a complete TIT...

Paul dumped me yesterday morning. Just over 24 hours he went out with me. Tuesday he was planning on taking me out for a meal and was telling me he missed me... Wednesday morning I was dumped. He said it's work, but I found out last night he's been shagging some girl who's got a black hole...
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(((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) screw dudes go for the chicks wink
Boys are smelly, and ASSHOLES to boot!!

Take some time and fall in love with yourself all over again before you look for another stupid boy to fill the void.
