sweet day at work today. did two tattoos, and then watched a few movies. almost pissed my pants while playing with a water balloon sling shot. we were shooting them straight up and this kid that was there was right under it as one came down. hit him smack on the head. i laughed so hard i had to cross my legs, i had not...
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home from a long day of poking holes in people for money. smile i'm going to have pics taken of me to post on here. i'm excited. *dances* time for nintendo and bbq chips. ciao bitches

*yawns* it's too damn early to be awake and ready for work in this rainy cold weather. i had the weirdest dreams last night, i always remember my dreams. Jerry Springer is on TV antagonizing some poor cousin of a girl he fucked and had a baby by... oi media.

anyways i'll be back tonight... probably write some more smile

i used to have a xanga, but people who knew me would read it and then i'd have to deal when i was in highschool. i wish i never deleted it, because it sucks starting over. i printed the whole thing, but to type it all would be not only emotionally draining, but physically impossible.

everyone is here at my house playing video games and...
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i just got home from work... *tired* waiting for ramen noodles to cook. long day of tattooing. i love it but the time went by soooo slow. i'm wide awake even though i want to just fall over and sleep. cozy bed smile

the weather was perfect today. no humidity. my hair goes flat and my blood boils when it's humid. i feel like i could...
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no problem. hope you enjoy here as much as I have smile