Work is really busy not only is this the time of year that everyone needs scaffolds but we are building the bleachers for a new racetrack that is being built only 25 miles from home. I can't wait I love the races. (stock cars) smile I just wish I had some more welders I have 10 openings on my shift. Oh well I guess that is...
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What a weekend, it will take quite a bit of this week to recover. I had Gwyen's two boys so she could have some time alone with her boy friend. We had a great time but those kids have unlimmitted energy. At least they tired out my dogs
What a wek aready, I got home monday night-tuesday morning and found my little dog Cindy badly torn up. I gave her first aid a ran her to the vet. She was after a rabbit and got into a barbwire fence. On the way home from the vet I ran over a little piece of metal (I cuoldn't even see it from the car) and...
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Oh, that's what happened to your dog. frown I'm sorry. I hope she's alright.
A hell of a week. I had to fire my first person. Hell we build scafolds, if a weld fails you can be killed. They stack them up to 300 feet high. This idiot told me he didn't care about quality. I told him to get his ass out of my weld shop and not let the door hit it. He could have called me...
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Another day has passed and I survived. All night at work I was on and off a forklift. My forklift driver went home sick so I had to do his job and mine. Then I got home and a rabbit comitted suicide in my yard . I fenced the entire yard so my dogs could run (I have three lots) I was sure that the...
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I got my taxes done and filed this sunday, it only took me about a half hour this year. I'm thinking of spending part of my refund on a small chicken coop and a couple dozen Rode Island Reds. It would be nice to have the eggs. If you have to eat store eggs from egg factory chickens you have never really tasted eggs. They...
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So why are you so mysterious?
Today a friend asked me what he could do to keep skunks out of his yard. The internet says fox or coyote piss works but I don't think they know shit. The only things that eat skunks as far as I know are great horned owls. Hell they will face down a car much less a fox or coyote. It isn't unusual to have to...
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Hey, I don't remember what i asked you? can you refresh my memory?
When I got to work today I found out I made it through my probation and am now the "official" night shift welding supervisor (unless I make a really major fuckup). As a reward I got a 25,000 $ life insurance policy but so far no raise hopefully my check on friday will have a raise and a healthy bonus. To celibrate I bought a...
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This week was a real experience. I had a welder have a heart attack. His partner came up and said " my partner doesn't feel good". By the time I got back to his station he was on the floor gasping like a fish out of water. I called 911 and the EMS people hauled him off. Damn this guy is only 19!! Too much...
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Oh well I am just a guy at least Gwyn didn't mind me trying to get in her pants. We did have a great time and got really drunk and stuffed ourselves with good food then stayed up watching movies all night long. I even got a good tit shot when her shirt came open by accident wardrobe malfuction I guess!! love
Who are you, I must ask.
My best friend Gywn broke up with her boyfriend this week, he is a jerk to her and her two boys. Today when I stoped by to see how she was feeling she tells me that she is coming out to my place to spend the weekend (sat. night and sunday) without the kids !? She has rarely spent the night in all the years...
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A lousy week at work I ever thought being supervisor would be such a drag. Everyone hates me now so fuck em. If they don't mellow out I can be a DI like my own first boss. Hell he was a retired drill instructor one week out of the army. frown frown mad mad