but you children of space
you restless in rest
you shall not be trapped or tame
your house shall not be an anchor but a mast
it shall not be a glistening film that covers a wound
but an eyelid that covers the eye
you shall not fold your wings that you may pass through doors,
nor bend yours that they strike not against a...
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but you children of space
you restless in rest
you shall not be trapped or tame
your house shall not an anchor but a mast
it shall not be a glistening film that covers a wound
but an eyelid that the eye
you shall not fold your wings that you may pass through doors,
nor bend your s that they strike not against a ceiling...
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xtra SG army points if you can tell me what the white space is for
a little queezy i think th epepper spray that was directed to the table in front of me this morning managed to season my torta . dont be surprised if you hear of someone getting shot at el farilito tonight !!

who put the fishy on the little dishy who'll put the fishy when the boat comes in
who pu the fishy on the little dishy who'll put the fishy when the boat comes in

relief, natural disasters & a strange echo inside the moniter the moniter