Okay, so I am supposed to head back to Virginia on Friday, which includes a trip down to Corpus Christi to see some old friends. But, my son figured out the drive time and busted me by putting it together that the stop in Corpus would be a party call. I didn't really mean it to be like that but it was the intention, now...
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confused happens....
Oh damn, here it goes. I am as you can tell a blog puss but after reading that I need to start by some very beautiful people, I've come to change my evil ways. And I guess you've got to speak to those that you want to speak with? Did that make any fucking sense... Please feel free to let me know if I am...
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happy birthday!
blogging on here is a very good thing! thats how we get to know each other, and we respond back in that other persons journal (it took me a while my first bit on the site to figure stuff out and i screwed up a lot till people helped me out )

Thanks for checking out my latest set! smile